Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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My dad always told me "Theres 4 kinds of people, Those who can count and those who cant"
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10-26-2022 23:15 by Luka
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I expect Twitter to remain mostly the same under Elon except it’ll somehow get massive federal subsidies and occasionally burst into flames

If you think your life can't get any worse, just remember this. you could be Mike Tyson in a Chinese restaurant trying to order the Sweet and Sour Shrimp.
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10-28-2022 04:42
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Some one wrote on the back of my neighbors work van, ' Wish my wife was this dirty'.... so under it I wrote ' She and her boyfriend is when you are at work
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10-28-2022 04:45
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My car's a little dirty so one of my co-workers wrote "Wash me" on it. So, I took my key and scratched in, "Touch me up" on his car.

Last year's most expensive vehicle to operate was the Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle. This year it is the Grocery Cart.
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10-28-2022 19:59
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Now, all we need is Nancy to be home
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10-28-2022 23:02 by Biggie
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I hate it when TV shows say "Adult Content" but then don't show anyone going to work, paying their bills or cleaning up after the kids...
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10-29-2022 06:48 by Gator
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I no longer want to go through things that don't kill me but make me stronger.
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10-29-2022 12:45
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A Karen just yelled at me in a parking lot that dressing up as a hobo for Halloween is offensive to the homeless people. But I was just wearing my regular clothes.
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10-30-2022 12:19
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I have plenty of mini boxes of raisins for the Trick-Or-Treaters. (Yeah, I'm THAT guy...)
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10-30-2022 17:30
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Dear Autocorrect: It's never "duck." It is NEVER "duck."
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10-31-2022 09:38
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I saw this kid dressed as Batman. He was walking around with his alive parents. What a poser.
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10-31-2022 15:57 by Poop
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When people dressed like witches, strippers and hobos show up at my front door it must be Halloween because my family reunion was in July. 🤔
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10-31-2022 17:40
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Tonight I'm Invisible Man for Halloween, as in you won't see me at any of your parties.
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10-31-2022 21:48
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Saw this kid dressed as Dracula so I played along and stabbed him with a wooden stake, his mom was not happy
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10-31-2022 23:22 by Luka
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there hasnt been a status with more upvotes then downvotes since 8-18 aka 75 days ago
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11-01-2022 00:22 by was
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I hate it when TV shows say "Adult Content" but then don't show anyone going to work, paying their bills or cleaning up after the kids... jest sayin
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11-01-2022 11:49 by Yoda
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Dang, I hope that wasn't something we needed... (me vacuuming the bedroom)
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11-02-2022 02:47 by J-Mac
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Walmart will be closed on Thanksgiving so self-checkout cashiers can be with their families.
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11-02-2022 15:45
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