Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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I had a big wedding and I’ve birthed three children so there are a lot of fond memories. The two I cherish most are the day I got my iPhone and the day the new liquor store opened up on the corner.
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09-28-2022 06:36
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I’m at the ‘you fold laundry too loudly’ part of marriage.
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09-28-2022 06:36
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sandalwood what a man gets if he’s unusually turned on by a pair of his own open-toed shoes?
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09-28-2022 06:37
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My doctor prescribed me some suppositories for my nausea.... It's not the best medicine in the world, but hey they’re right up there.
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09-28-2022 09:54
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Tom Brady has over 600 touchdown passes in his career. Which works out to 420, when you adjust for inflation.
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09-28-2022 09:58
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When it says “fussy” and “cries excessively” on the medical form, are they asking about me or the baby?
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09-28-2022 11:03
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When my wife and I married we both agreed we would never go to sleep angry. Neither of us has slept in 16 years.
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09-28-2022 11:06
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There are two types of people in this world, those who finish a joke and those that
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09-29-2022 12:17 by Luka
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I'm reading a horror story in Braille. Something bad is about to happen. I can just feel it.
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09-29-2022 12:54
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My wife asked me for the Chapstick. I accidently handed her a Gluestick. Now she's not speaking to me.
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09-29-2022 12:55
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I played baseball with a bunch of orphans yesterday. I won, because none of them knew where home was.
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10-01-2022 10:55 by Dennis
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Forgive and forget? What? Do I look like Jesus with Alzheimer's?
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10-01-2022 20:18
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Bedtime Tip: Ring the doorbell on your way to bed at night...this will clear the dogs off your bed long enough for you to get in and get comfortable...
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10-02-2022 06:42 by Gator
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My mama told me I could become anything I wanted. So I became a problem.
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10-02-2022 14:23
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Have you ever loved someone so much that you wanted to keep them hidden from the world and have them also to yourself? Well, apparently that is called kidnapping.
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10-02-2022 16:46
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I just threw a rock at a guy who was getting Subway breakfast. He understood why.
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10-03-2022 09:01
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Give your tweets a CB radio feel by adding the word, over at the end. Over.
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10-03-2022 09:02
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My congressman just wrote to tell me if I don't re-elect him, whatever-scares-me-most will probably happen. Send money.
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10-03-2022 09:05
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If she farts in front of your parents repeatedly just for the reaction then she's a keeper.
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10-03-2022 09:07
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Some of your behaviour is completely embarrassing but highly entertaining. Carry on.
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10-03-2022 09:09
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