Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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You think you’ve got it rough? Imagine being a trapeze artist with diarrhea.
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07-18-2022 01:27
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It’s called “gross pay” because it’s disgusting to see how much money you would have made before taxes.
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07-18-2022 01:28
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Welsh woman used to curse people by falling to their knees, pulling out their boobs, and screaming obscenities at their victim. It’s sad how we let some traditions die.
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07-18-2022 01:30
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Don’t be sad that your flight has a 7 hour delay, be grateful for your 30 dollar 2 inch sub sandwich.
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07-18-2022 01:30
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The guy ahead of me bought 20 dollars worth on pump 3. Where was he going, to pump 4?
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07-18-2022 01:31
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Sometimes I make posts set to “only me.” That stuff is between me and the Feds.
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07-18-2022 01:31
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When you put 30 dollars in the tank and the gas light is still on.
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07-18-2022 01:32
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I’ve accepted that I’ll never know how that M+ button on a calculator works.
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07-18-2022 09:17
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Seems like the “how to use a fire extinguisher” video on YouTube shouldn’t have a 30 second ad before it.
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07-18-2022 09:17
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No matter how old I am, when I am eating a bag of Bugles, I will never be mature enough to not put them on my fingertips and make claws.
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07-18-2022 09:17
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It was so hot in our apartment last night, to cool off I slept on my air hockey table."
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07-18-2022 09:18
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Why is it that in womens feminine product commercials they're always laughing and dancing? Shouldn't they be reving chainsaws & burning sh** down?
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07-18-2022 09:53
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Its so hot, I just saw a bum with a sign that said "Will work for shade
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07-18-2022 09:53
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Its so damn hot today that I just saw a group of Amish women wearing daisy duke shorts!
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07-18-2022 09:54
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When I'm on my death bed I want my last words to be .... " I left one million dollars in the"................
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07-18-2022 09:54
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came home the other night, my wife was standing there in the bedroom. She walked over & said "Take off my shirt" I did. She said "take off my bra" I did. Then she leaned over & said in my ear "Please stop wearing my clothes
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07-18-2022 09:55
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Updating my dating profile…. My husband isn’t being as helpful as I’d hoped tbh
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07-18-2022 09:56
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Brain: I can see you’re trying to sleep; can I offer a selection of your worst memories?
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07-21-2022 05:03
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Cinderella must have had some strange feet if her slipper didn’t fit anyone else in town.
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07-21-2022 05:04
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Nightmares are just free horror movies that you produce, direct, and star in.
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07-21-2022 05:04
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