Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Anyone can have a wank under a sheet, but it takes skill to do it without the hairdresser noticing.
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06-28-2022 23:47
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I was taught to think before I act, so if I smack the crap out of you, rest assured that I’ve thought about it, and I feel confident in my decision.
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06-28-2022 23:47
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My girlfriend and I just had an entire conversation about hair bands before she realized I was talking about Motley Crue and she was talking about scrunchies.
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06-28-2022 23:48
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Don’t let anyone ruin your day. Be a man, ruin it yourself.
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06-28-2022 23:49
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I thought Row vs. Wade was Washington's decision when he reached the Delaware.(too soon)?
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06-29-2022 20:17 by Markm
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When someone is driving like a jerk, so you look to see how dumb they really look.
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06-30-2022 00:58
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I love when people ask, “How’s a person like you single?” I’m mentally ill.
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06-30-2022 00:59
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It’s time for the 99% of us who are not offended by everything to quit catering to the 1% who are.
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06-30-2022 01:00
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Your very existence goes against our community standards. ~ Zuck
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06-30-2022 01:01
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Son: Mom, what does “woke” mean? Mom: It’s a parents shocking realization that her kids are being taught extremist bull-crap.
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06-30-2022 01:01
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Explaining bedtime to the kids: “It’s not about how tired you are, it’s about how tired you’re making everyone else.
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06-30-2022 01:03
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Your spouse is the best person to share secrets with. They’ll never tell anyone, because they’re not even listening.
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06-30-2022 01:04
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Wife: Why is your back all scratched up? (flashback to me chasing a racoon after she told me to leave it alone) Me: I’m having an affair.
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06-30-2022 01:04
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When today’s safety meeting is about what you did yesterday.
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06-30-2022 01:06
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Take your red flags and turn them into coats, traitors.
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06-30-2022 01:07
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S.H.I.T......So Happy It's Thursday!...Some of you just got to get that mind out of the gutter...
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06-30-2022 09:10
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There is no rule that says you have to get married and start a family. Normalize sharing a mansion with your five best friends and ten dogs.
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07-01-2022 01:45
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At the store: “OMG haven’t seen you in forever! Let’s stand in everyone’s way!”
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07-01-2022 01:46
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The hardest part about driving a Hummer, is trying to find your wiener when you go pee-pee.
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07-01-2022 01:47
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I just want someone to laugh at my jokes the way that Kamala laughs at questions she can’t answer.
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07-01-2022 01:47
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