Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Hangry ~ A state of anger caused by lack of food.
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05-12-2022 01:34
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Love ~ Giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to.
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05-12-2022 01:34
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LGBTQ: Liquor, Guns, Bacon, Tits and Quicksand.
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05-12-2022 01:35
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Have you ever been so mad that you were calm?
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05-12-2022 01:35
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The Poet: Why do you write? he asked. So, I can take my love for you and give it to the world, I reply. Because you won’t take it from me.
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05-12-2022 01:36
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Reach ~ as high as you can, and then a little higher. There you will find magic and possibility… and maybe even cookies.
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05-12-2022 01:36
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The same people who are candy to our eyes can be poison to our hearts. Study their ingredients before feeding them to your soul.
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05-12-2022 01:37
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Have you ever rubbed your eyes so hard that you enter in, to some other dimension of swirls and patterns?
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05-12-2022 01:37
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Just checking, I heard a loud pop and thought you may have pulled your head out of your a$$.
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05-12-2022 01:38
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There are only two genders, male and female. The rest are mental disorders.
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05-12-2022 01:38
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Stock trading secret: Pick a stock that you know is going to go up and buy a lot of it. Then watch the price go up every day until it gets as high as it's going to get. Then sell it all before it goes back down.
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05-12-2022 13:20
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With the shortage that's going on ..Are any of the pregnant men donating their breast milk? Or are they keeping it all for themselves,
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05-12-2022 14:59
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Back in my day they would cut cocaine with baby formula. Nowadays they cut baby formula with cocaine
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05-12-2022 23:19
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The closer the collapse of an empire, the crazier it’s laws.
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05-13-2022 03:01
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Soon, the public will be unable to think or reason for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information that was given to them on the previous night’s news.
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05-13-2022 03:02
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Fact checkers: He didn’t say that, and if he did he didn’t mean it, and if he did you don’t understand it, and if you did it’s not a big deal, and if it is, it’s taken out of context, at least mean orange man gone.
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05-13-2022 03:05
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Welcome to Oregon, tampons are in every boy’s bathrooms.
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05-13-2022 03:06
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You get prosecuted for refusing to wear a mask on a plane, but they can intimidate supreme court justice’s families and will be celebrated. This is how you know we are living under a regime.
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05-13-2022 03:07
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Pink Floyd warned us about the school system over 50 years ago, and everyone slept on it.
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05-13-2022 03:07
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The only supply chain Biden won’t disrupt, the flow of drugs at our southern border.
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05-13-2022 03:09
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