Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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The left’s attempts to silence ideas they cannot, or will not debate, is a confession of intellectual bankruptcy.
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05-09-2022 17:24
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There is no such thing as disinformation. There is only information you accept, and information you do not accept.
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05-09-2022 17:24
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If you did not oppose vaccine mandates, passports, you have zero credibility when you say, “my body, my choice.”
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05-09-2022 17:24
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Justice Alito’s (draft) decision isn’t a ruling on anything other than Fed Overreach.
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05-09-2022 17:25
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Putin is like that angry drunk guy at a party. Everyone is trying to calm him down but he's convinced he needs to fight someone.
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05-09-2022 17:27
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Oh, you have a 3D printer that you can print guns with? I'm not impressed, I've had a Canon for years..

Pizzas are like dildos.. Just get a large, you'll get it all inside you eventually

Her: The fences need painting and the car needs washing. Him: Kids! Who wants to learn karate.
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05-11-2022 00:47
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Someone living in their grandmother’s basement used to be the butt of the joke. The rental market is so insane that now it’s like, dam, you’ve got a whole basement to yourself, that’s sexy.
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05-11-2022 00:47
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If you wore a mask for two years, you can wear a condom for sex.
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05-11-2022 00:48
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It’s impossible to plug in my genderless extension cord.
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05-11-2022 00:48
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How can you stand for woman’s rights while allowing men to dominate woman’s sports?
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05-11-2022 00:49
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My mortgage identifies as a student loan.
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05-11-2022 00:49
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the FBI going to raid the house of the reporter who published the Alito opinion? Or is that just reserved for the reporters who got Ashley Biden’s diary.
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05-11-2022 00:51
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Dear leftists, you just spent the last two years fighting against the concept of body autonomy, take it down a notch.
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05-11-2022 00:52
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All of us: Ministry of “truth”, inflation, supreme court leak, border crisis, war. Mainstream Media: “Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard.”
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05-11-2022 00:52
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Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.
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05-11-2022 00:53
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The War on Drugs only resulted in more drugs. The War on Terrorists only resulted in more terrorists. Maybe we should have a war on Baby Formula.
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05-11-2022 09:03
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05-11-2022 12:14
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I think I finally found a diet that's really working for me! That's called The Rsing Cost Of Food.
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05-11-2022 15:56
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