Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
Page: 244 of 6399
Statistically 5/4 of peoplehave trouble with fractions.
just received a coupon inthe mail: Buy one sock, get oneFREE! While socks last.
I've always wondered iffilm directors wake up screaming"CUT! CUT! CUUUUUT!" whenthey have nightmares.
believes that if you tellyour boss what you really thinkof him, the truth will set youfree.
Dear Lord You have taken away my favourite actoress britney Murphy favourite Singer Mj and my favourite spokesman billy mays I just wanna say my favourite singer is lil wayne
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02-16-2010 00:37 by Luka
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Men Fart more Than Women Simply Becasue Women Can't Shut Up Long Enough To Build Up The Required Pressure !!!
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02-16-2010 01:09 by EDK
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practise safe lunch, use a condiment!
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02-16-2010 03:34
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I dont care what they say. I think my third nipple is very attractive.
I'm on a seafood diet. When I see food, I eat it.
If men really wrote answered facebook question ; What's on your mind? Facebook would be like a pornsite
If men honestly answered the facebook question: What's on your mind? Facebook would be like a pornsite
I said to a guy, "Tell me, what is it about cocaine that makes it so wonderful," and he said, "Because it intensifies your personality." I said, "Yes, but what if you're an a$$hole?"
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02-16-2010 08:00
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Tiger Woods and Toyota should team up for a comeback and their moto should be "I swear we can stop!"
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02-16-2010 09:27
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How do you make a bunch of old ladies say "F*CK!". Shout "BINGO!".
Badder then your Ex and Better then your next
thinks the GOP's new nickname, the party of "No" is perfect....they have no ideas, no brains, no balls, no candidates worth a damn', and no history of success.
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02-16-2010 12:11
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To my fb friends that are addicted to farmvillle or farmtown or whatever it is...If you didn't notice, I do not participate~ However if you feel the need to send me things, in my real world, I could use a mansion on the beach with 3 maids, 1 cook, at leas
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02-16-2010 13:43 by Ronda
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Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic
A Foolish Man tells a Woman to "Shut Da Hell Up", but a Wise Man tells Her That her Mouth is Extremely Beautiful When Her Lips are Closed.
Hey! It's called facebook, a social networking site, NOT faithbook, a cram your religious beliefs down my throat site. Hiding!
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02-16-2010 14:28 by Pineapple
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