Sully Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon In honor of 11/12/13..... I will buy beer for any 11, 12 and 13 year olds that ask me.
←Rate | 11-12-2013 12:27 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Will and Jada splitting, 5.8 earthquake in DC, and now Hurricane Irene as a possible Cat 4 landfall this weekend??? Lord have mercy............
←Rate | 08-24-2011 06:17 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Twas the morning before Christmas & all across Facebook, friends awake, houses aglitter. Coffee in hand pondering this day & the things that matter.....
←Rate | 12-24-2013 09:38 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Can someone let Zanesville, OH know they still have 1 wild animal on the loose!! I think they call him Barack Obama........
←Rate | 10-20-2011 06:24 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Why haven't we seen a photo of Rep. Weiner's backside? Can't have a wiener without a bun.......Right??
←Rate | 06-02-2011 12:35 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon FBI announced the Scarlett Johansson photos are illegal. Holly Sh*t!! That makes me Public Enemy Number One.........
←Rate | 09-16-2011 14:03 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I missed Obama's speech....Someone please tell me there will be a rebroadcast translation of Obama's speech into Pirate speak this afternoon??
←Rate | 09-19-2011 11:56 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Anyone up for making some "debris", throwing it into the Gulf of Mexico after midnight, and saying that we found the missing plane? #AprilFoolsJoke
←Rate | 03-31-2014 12:02 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I believe Manti Te'o but it seems like no one else does. I've been arguing about it all morning with my imaginary girlfriend Tina
←Rate | 01-17-2013 08:26 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I always wondered what a ''Chimichanga" was. Just found out. It's a bad case of diarrhea....
←Rate | 11-14-2012 15:50 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Shorter Obama: "if you go dumpster diving behind your insurance company and you find your old plan and they say you can keep it. Period!!
←Rate | 11-14-2013 13:37 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm still hoping Nike will one day come out with an Air Jordan belt....
←Rate | 12-28-2011 13:43 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm not here today. This is a holographic representation of me, have a good day....
←Rate | 04-16-2012 10:55 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Report: Buffalo is running out of beer...guys we are basically district 12 from the hunger games...the end is ne
←Rate | 11-20-2014 19:05 by Sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Silver for Phelps : ( Someone should have taped a blunt to the other end of the pool, then he would have won the gold.
←Rate | 08-01-2012 01:40 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I wonder what Rebecca Black thinks of Samoa skipping out on Friday?.......
←Rate | 12-30-2011 04:07 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Being swallowed by a sinkhole is a bad way to start the day. At least he gets to avoid the sequester...
←Rate | 03-01-2013 08:44 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon *spills beer on trick-or-treaters* No [hiccup] we're out of Snickers & Fun Dip & [hiccup] No Twix either. You want these seeded grapes or not?
←Rate | 10-31-2014 19:40 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sometimes I wish Tony Stewart would run me over....... #Hangover
←Rate | 08-10-2014 15:50 by sully Comments (0)  

   messageicon I ate all my girl scout cookies : ( , roughly the weight of two girl scouts.......
←Rate | 02-23-2012 21:37 by sully Comments (0)  

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