trump Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Donald Trump said he doesn't trust anyone with a foreign sounding name, and neither does his daughter "Ivanka."
←Rate | 09-01-2016 01:39 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I felt like the ending of this weeks episode of Trump was kind of boring. Right? I guess the writers are building to something big.
←Rate | 09-01-2016 01:58 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Trump is a living embodiment to an erection that lasted more than 4 hours.
←Rate | 09-01-2016 08:33 Comments (0)  

   messageicon If we all pretend to not see or hear Donald Trump, I bet he'd just go away. After all, his narcissism is based on attention.
←Rate | 09-02-2016 13:44 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Most Mexicans affectionately refer to Donald Trump as "El Piñata."
←Rate | 09-02-2016 15:14 Comments (0)  

   messageicon If Trump wins, I'm going to open a florist shop near the Mexican border. And yes, I will call the shop "Wallflowers."
←Rate | 09-02-2016 15:18 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Donald Trump says he didn't discuss Mexico paying for the wall with President Nieto because he thought he was the janitor.
←Rate | 09-02-2016 15:19 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Even Donald Trump's previous marriages lasted longer than Brock Turner's prison sentence.
←Rate | 09-03-2016 05:24 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Melania Trump suing a newspaper and a blogger for $150 million over allegations she was a hooker means her pimp would get 90% of that money.
←Rate | 09-03-2016 05:31 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Donald Trump's father's favorite song was "This Land is my Land, This Land is my Land."
←Rate | 09-03-2016 05:32 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Donald Trump met with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto this week, so Trump can tell him how great the Mexican food is at Trump Tower.
←Rate | 09-03-2016 05:41 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hey Trump haters... You guys can still pee in the ladies room since you have been for years anyway
←Rate | 09-03-2016 16:33 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Cut Gary Johnson some slack. Donald Trump thought Aleppo was one of the Marx Brothers.
←Rate | 09-09-2016 15:45 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Roger Ailes is offering to sleep with all Female Trump supporters to raise money for charity.
←Rate | 09-09-2016 15:48 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Trump promises to give generals 30 days to create a plan to defeat ISIS. He also wants them to create a perfume and shoot the ads or they'll be fired.
←Rate | 09-09-2016 15:53 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Melania Trump homemaker tip: When sorting your laundry, don't forget to separate your deplorables from your coloreds.
←Rate | 09-11-2016 04:59 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Trump Supporters in a basket? I guess that puts Hillary Supporters in the wood pile.
←Rate | 09-12-2016 04:34 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Donald Trump is starting a petition to stop the sale of pre-shredded cheese. He’s very serious about trying to make the USA grate again.
←Rate | 09-14-2016 12:14 by Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dr. Oz pledges to avoid questions Trump doesn't want to answer. It's no big deal; it's not like he's a real journalist. Or a real Doctor.
←Rate | 09-15-2016 02:22 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Trump's appearance on Dr. Oz will solely be for publicity and has nothing to do with real medical information. Same as all the other episodes.
←Rate | 09-15-2016 02:23 Comments (0)  

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