
You're doing a phenomenal job
Posted by TJ on Monday March 31, 2008 @ 04:38 PM
[Tags: accounting, work, rant]

At my real job, I've been working a lot lately on an small internet start up that is slated to get really big in the next year. Well last week I had an interview with my boss and the CEO and during the meeting the CEO told my boss that "I am doing a phenomenal job" and "he's lucky to have me" on the account. That made my day. And then to top it off same week I was on a conference call with another client doing some consulting for a business aquisition and the client said to my boss "Make sure you keep him around" referring to me of course. Wow... those are nice comments. Now I still have a big head from all that... and I know I might be boasting here but this is MY BLOG what you expect me talk about?

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