[Tags: scam, internet, business]
This is a new being sent in reply to ads placed on Craigslist. Give thanks to Tiesha Star for sending this one in.
Avoid any association with this scam and do not respond to any emails from Exclusive Inc.
Do not cash any checks received from the this "job". They are fake or fraudulent and if deposited will be subtracted from your bank balance once the fraud is discovered.
If you received another job scam featuring another company please forward the email to

How do I spot a job scam?
1.) The message is for a position that you did not apply for
2.) The message is from or asking for a reply to an email address from a free email provider (ie: @aol.com, @yahoo.com, @gmail.com)
3.)The position is for a work at home job. Let's get real here most of these positions are hard to come by.
4.) The message provides no phone and/or no mailing address
5.) The company does not have a website or the website was created in the last year. Do a whois lookup to see when a domain was created.
6.) The job has few qualifications
7.) The message is written with poor english
8.) A Google search for the company finds little or no history for the company
9.) The email fails to mention you by name. Starts off with generic opening (ie: Dear job seeker, Dear applicant).
*** This list is not all inclusive. Remember if you have to ask yourself if it's a scam it probably is!
What should I do if I provided my information to scammers?
- Do not respond to further communications.
- Do not cash any checks you received from fraudulent offer.
- If you sent bank Information: Call your bank immediately and tell them what happened. They should be able to change your account number or cancel your account.
- If you are still concerned you might want to enroll in credit monitoring such as LifeLock Identity Theft Prevention
- You can also file a claim with The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). They are probably overloaded with these types of claim though, so I would not expect an individual response. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau or your states attorney general's office
- Post a comment below with any information you have on this scam to inform other people to try and avoid any future victims. Post the email you received with exact wording if different from original posted so when people search for terms they find this warning.
From: Eric Dennis
Subject: Re: Administrative Assistant
Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 8:33 PM
Reference No: - LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 HO Ref:99645
Batch No: - R4/A313/2-60 Port
Application No: LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 FCO Number: 812374
Respondent: Recruiting Officer
Dear Applicant
We received your resume and your application on Craigslist on the july of this year but we are really sorry to inform you that this Position as been filled, it is no more available. Our HR Managers have gone through your resume and due to some certain factors you have been picked as one of our possible candidate
to be one of our Accounts Payable Specialist which is the post That is available right now.
We strive to ensure quality from crop to counter.
end, Exclusive inc. requires the highest standards and
specifications, not just for product ingredients; every detail of production, transport, delivery, preparation and service is Also exhaustively monitored.
A focus on quality permeates every aspect of the business.
Exclusive inc. standards lead the food industry, and we
continue to work with government and health officials to Investigate improvements.
Exclusive inc. also recognize the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle and continues to seek quality new products Which satisfy customers expectations for taste and value? We Are independent and privately owned.
We serve the entire United States, Your primary task for now, as an Accounts Payable Specialist of this company is to coordinate payments from clients and help us with the payment Process. You are not involved in any marketing. You would be responsible for receiving payments after we have offered our
professional services to our numerous clients. After this has been done the customer has to pay for the service but in most Cases we make our clients prepay for services. About 90 percent of our clients prefer to pay through Certified Checks or Money Orders drawn from the United State based on the amount Involved. We have decided to open this new contract -to-hire
job position for solving this problem pending the time that we Will open a branch office in this state.
Your First Primary task (Collection of Payments):
1. Receive payment from our Customers or Clients.
2. Cash Payment at your Bank.
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to, you have a lot of free time doing another job, because this job is part Time, you'll get good income. But this job is very challenging And you should understand it. We are considering your application because you satisfy our requirements and we are sure you will be an earnest assistant till we start running our Branch office in your state.
-You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent
Contractor right from your home office.
-Your job is absolutely legal.
-You can earn up to 3000-4000 dollars monthly depending on time you Will spend for this job. You do not need any capital to start.
-You can do the Work easily without leaving or affecting your present Job. The employees who make efforts and work hard have A strong possibility to become managers. Anyway our employees Never leave us. But the problem we have is trust but we hope we Can trust you.
Get back to us with the requirements below if you are
interested so that we can add your mailing address to our Regional database and forward it to our customers for them to Send payments after conducting background checks.
Full Names_______________
Mailing Address (Not P. O Box) _________________
City__ ___________________
Postal Code______________
Phone Number____________________
Email Address____________________
Marital Status___________
Send the requirements we asked for to this email address We are not asking for your bank info neither are we asking for your social security number, we are only asking for the name of Your bank and that is all.
Your response to this email is needed, so that we can
reconfirm your mailing address details we have in our
We will be updating you as soon as the payment is being sent to you and you will be directed as to where to have the remaining 90% of the money sent to, after the deduction of your 10% pay On any payments received and processed by you.
A swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this email will be Appreciated.
Thanks For Your Total Understanding and Moral cooperation.
Wagner Mill Inc. is an equal opportunity employer!
I can best be contacted by email as I am on computer every time.
I will be expecting your respones
Eric Dennis
Recruiting Officer
Exclusive inc
These people are so dumb they use a standard email template for scams and forgot to change the company name from another scam "Wagner Mill Inc." to "Exclusive, Inc."
If you received this please post a comment so I know posting these warnings are useful.
- Related Articles:
- PHC consulting Careers are a scam
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- Craigslist Job Scam: iZZi Computers
Reader Comments (Page 1 of 6)
Friday August 14, 2009 @ 10:38 AM
I got one of these today from Exclusive, Inc. in response to a Craigslist job posting for an Office Assistant in Dallas. I could tell it was a scam but I looked for information about it anyway and was glad to see your site confirming my suspicions. Unfortunately I had already sent my resume in response to the job posting. It had my address and phone numbers but at least they don't have any bank or SSN info. From now on I am going to ask for more information when responding to job ads before I send a resume.
Tuesday August 25, 2009 @ 02:28 AM
Thanks for the post!! I was looking for the company name because it was definitely suspicious and came across this posting. I couldn't believe how poor the grammar was and how they stressed "your job is completely legal." HAHA! I've copy and pasted my version of the email I received which is pretty much exactly what everyone else has been posting.
Reference No: - LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 HO Ref:99645
Batch No: - R4/A313/2-60 Port
Application No: LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 FCO Number: 812374
Respondent: Recruiting Officer
Dear Applicant
We received your resume and your application on Craigslist on the
August of this year but we are really sorry to inform you that this
Position as been filled, it is no more available. Our HR
Managers have gone through your resume and due to some certain
factors you have been picked as one of our possible candidate
to be one of our Accounts Payable Specialist which is the post
That is available right now.
We strive to ensure quality from crop to counter.
end, Exclusive inc. requires the highest standards and
specifications, not just for product ingredients; every detail
of production, transport, delivery, preparation and service is
Also exhaustively monitored.
A focus on quality permeates every aspect of the business.
Exclusive inc. standards lead the food industry, and we
continue to work with government and health officials to
Investigate improvements.
Exclusive inc. also recognize the importance of a balanced
diet and lifestyle and continues to seek quality new products
Which satisfy customers expectations for taste and value? We
Are independent and privately owned.
We serve the entire United States, Your primary task for now,
as an Accounts Payable Specialist of this company is to
coordinate payments from clients and help us with the payment
Process. You are not involved in any marketing. You would be
responsible for receiving payments after we have offered our
professional services to our numerous clients. After this has
been done the customer has to pay for the service but in most
Cases we make our clients prepay for services. About 90 percent
of our clients prefer to pay through Certified Checks or Money
Orders drawn from the United State based on the amount
Involved. We have decided to open this new contract -to-hire
job position for solving this problem pending the time that we
Will open a branch office in this state.
Your First Primary task (Collection of Payments):
1. Receive payment from our Customers or Clients.
2. Cash Payment at your Bank.
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of
the offices you will be contacted to send payment to, you have
a lot of free time doing another job, because this job is part
Time, you'll get good income. But this job is very challenging
And you should understand it. We are considering your
application because you satisfy our requirements and we are
sure you will be an earnest assistant till we start running our
Branch office in your state.
-You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent
Contractor right from your home office.
-Your job is absolutely legal.
-You can earn up to 3000-4000 dollars monthly depending on time
Will spend for this job. You do not need any capital to start.
-You can do the Work easily without leaving or affecting your
present Job. The employees who make efforts and work hard have
A strong possibility to become managers. Anyway our employees
Never leave us. But the problem we have is trust but we hope we
Can trust you.
Get back to us with the requirements below if you are
interested so that we can add your mailing address to our
Regional database and forward it to our customers for them to
Send payments after conducting background checks.
Full Names_______________
Mailing Address (Not P. O Box) _________________
City__ ___________________
Postal Code______________
Phone Number____________________
Email Address____________________
Marital Status___________
Send the requirements we asked for to this email address
We are not asking for your bank info neither are we asking for
your social security number, we are only asking for the name of
Your bank and that is all.
Your response to this email is needed, so that we can
reconfirm your mailing address details we have in our
We will be updating you as soon as the payment is being sent to
you and you will be directed as to where to have the remaining
90% of the money sent to, after the deduction of your 10% pay
On any payments received and processed by you.
A swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this email will be
Thanks For Your Total Understanding and Moral Cooperation.
Exclusive inc. is an equal opportunity employer!
I can best be contacted by email as I am on computer every time.
I will be expecting your respones
Eric Dennis
Recruiting Officer
Exclusive inc
Sunday August 30, 2009 @ 11:23 AM
I received the exact same email today.
The bad English was the first ckue. As soon as it said I had to cash checks, I became suspicious. They wonder if they trust ME? When I googled the Co name, I found your post. Thank God I didn't give them any other information.
Thursday September 3, 2009 @ 10:00 AM
Received this message today, I hope that they soon track at least some of these scammers.
Application Number: LSLCA/2031/ 8161/08
Batch Number: R4/A313/2-60
HO Ref: 99201
Respondent: Recruiting Officer
Dear Applicant
We received your resume and your application on Craigslist, September 2009, but we are really sorry to inform you that this position as been filled, it is no more available. Our HR Managers have gone through your resume and due to some certain factors you have been picked as one of our possible candidate to be one of our Accounts Payable Specialist which is the post available right now.
We strive to ensure quality from crop to counter end, Exclusive Inc. requires the highest standards and specifications, not just for product ingredients, every details of production, transportation, delivery, preparation and service is also exhaustively monitored. A focus on quality permeates every aspect of the business.
Exclusive Inc. standards lead the food industry, and we work with government and health officials to investigate improvements. Exclusive Inc. also recognize the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle and continues to seek quality new products which satisfy customers expectations for taste and value.
We are independent and privately owned and serve the entire United States, Your primary task for now as an Accounts Payable Specialist of this company is to co-ordinate payments from clients and help us with the payment process. You are not involved in any marketing, You would be responsible for receiving payments after we have offered our professional services to our numerous clients.
After this has been done the customer has to pay for the service but in most cases we make our clients prepay for services. About 90 percent of our clients prefer to pay through certified checks or money orders drawn from the United State based on the amount involved. We have decided to open this new contract to hire job position for solving this problem pending the time that we would open a branch office in your state.
Your First Primary task (Collection of Payments):
1. Receive payment from our customers or clients.
2. Cash payment at your Bank.
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on payment processed
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any ofthe offices you will be contacted to send payment to.
You have a lot of free time doing another job, because this job is part time, you'll get good income. But this job is very challenging and you should understand it.
We are considering your application because you satisfy our requirements and we are sure you will be an earnest assistant till we start running our branch office in your state.
-You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent contractor right from your home office.
-Your job is absolutely legal.
-You can earn up to 3000-4000 dollars monthly depending on time you will spend for this job. You do not need any capital to start.
-You can do the work easily without leaving or affecting your present Job.
The employees who make efforts and work hard have a strong possibility to become managers. Anyway our employees never leave us, but the problem we have is trust but we hope we can trust you.
Get back to us with the requirements below if you are interested so that we can add your mailing address to our regional database and forward it to our customers for them to send payments after conducting background checks.
Full Names_________________
Mailing Address (Not P. O Box) _________________
Postal Code_________________
Phone Number______________
Email Address_______________
Marital Status______________
Send the requirements we asked for to this email address
We are not asking for your bank info neither are we asking for your social security number. Your response to this email is needed, so that we can reconfirm your mailing address details we have in our database.
We will be updating you as soon as the payment is being sent to you and you will be directed as to where to have the remaining 90% of the money sent to, after the deduction of your 10% pay on any payments received and processed by you.
A swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this email will be appreciated.
Thanks for your total understanding and moral cooperation.
Exclusive Inc. is an equal opportunity employer!
We can be best contacted by email!
Our phones are always busy, But you can also contact us on phone: (210)807-4142
We will be expecting your response
Recruiting Officer: Jona Kitts,
Exclusive Inc.
Wednesday September 9, 2009 @ 04:45 PM
I got the same exact email from them. Any job offer that assures you that your job is legal is always suspicious.
Monday November 23, 2009 @ 04:35 PM
Yes, I recieved the same email from a "Jonathan Williams" at ancoraal[at]gmail.com. The company name was changed to Industrial Inc.
Saturday December 5, 2009 @ 04:06 PM
I think this is a little different version. I answered a Craig's list posting for Admin Assistant but was suspect when there was no town or area as to where the position was located. Well according to the letter you can do it from anywhere. Buy the guy groceries and deliver them by mail I guess. Glad I didn't answer. I also set resume has phone #'s and address.
Dear Applicant,
Thanks for indicating your interest in the job.. Are you available to run errands ? I am looking for someone who can handle my personal and business errands at his/her spare time. Someone who can offer me these services:
Help with groceries, banking, personal shopping and other errands?
Bill Payment
Travel/transportation bookings and assistance
Scheduling/appointment setting (doctors, spas, tee times, etc.)
Restaurant reservations
General purchases (online, phone-in, flowers, gifts, etc.)
Third-party customer service
Schedule future tasks/reminders
Diary management
buying of stationery or office equipment
mail management (incl electronic)
This job is flexible so you can do it from your home,school or work place provided that there is a post office in the area. In addition to that, I don't mind you doing all of the tasks during your spare time outside of work or school.. I wish I could meet you to talk about this job in person but I am currently away on business. I am in Canada so there will be no interview but background checks will be performed .
All errands will be in your town/city so it"s not a must that you have a car for the job, you can go places by bus or taxi but when i return to the state i will provide you car . All expenses and taxes will be covered by me .
How much will you charge per Week ? I will pay $800. That is not a bad offer is it ? I need your service because I am constantly out of town.... I am an Architect . I will return to America in December so this process will be on going till then. If you don't mind, I will meet up with you when I return so we can talk about the possibility of making this long term.
Basic wage is $800 a week ,I'm sure you'll understand I tend to have a very busy schedule at this point as I am presently in Canada I will be back in Three Weeks.
Permit me to use the coming week to test your efficiency and diligence towards all this, also to work out your time schedule and fit it to mine. I really need to find the perfect person for this job, I'm confident you can take up the challenge and on the long run we should have a relatively sound working relationship .. I'm online most of the time as I am hard of hearing so I prefer we contact each other through E-mails, I am glad you are willing to work with me and i promise to be a good boss. I have been checking my files and what i would want you to do for me this week is to run some errands out to some Foster homes, I do that every month and the funds will be in form of Check ,the check will be sent by one of my clients and i have some list to email you once you received the funds,you will make some arrangements by buying some stuff for the kids in the nearest store around you so you can mail them out. I will get you more information on that.
I will like you to get back to me with your Contact Details such as:
Full Name:
Contact Address :
Phone Number:
Send your details to
Once I have received your contact information, I will get back to you with the task for this week and Understand you will also be paid as well as its important for me to make the necessary steps before i get back from my business trip back to the states. And I look forward to meeting with you and further discussing this position .
Thanks for your time.
David Hutcherson
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Sunday June 13, 2010 @ 12:14 AM
I received this email:
From: Margene Villalva
Date: 06/08/10 03:50:50
To: biggee914[at]aol.com
Subject: New career : (id 546T).
First Delivery, Inc. offers an opportunity to apply for a full/part time position of Delivery Service Assistant for the United States Citizens and legal aliens (Note: Previous experience in the delivery service is not required).
First Delivery, Inc. is a Premier Global Provider of International Delivery Service Solutions, specializing in the purchase and international delivery, with the long term commitment history.
First Delivery, Inc. provides time-critical middleman order and transportation services for clients from more than 60 countries world wide. Our flexible and reliable transportation scheme and demonstrated expertise in providing time-critical deliveries for over 10 years positions us to provide top quality express delivery service, with superior on-time performance.
Currently we serve a rapidly expanding base of clients by being the most reliable "one-click-source" for the fastest, most affordable delivery solutions available today, providing delivery services to anyone, from private individuals to many Fortune 1500 companies, with operations throughout the World.
Generally, responsibilities of the vacant position of Delivery Service Assistant consist of receiving parcels, purchased on behalf of 1st Delivery Inc clientele and delivered to the employee's residence address. Upon the reception, Delivery Service Assistant is required to conduct examination of the packages to confirm the brand new condition; repackaging, and shipping the purchases further to the company's clients destination with use of specific delivery agencies (Note: 1st Delivery Inc. covers all financial expenses that occur during the shipping process). Content of the parcels consists of products of various kinds, ranging from shoes and garment, to electric products such as stereo systems, consoles and digital accessories. The average size of the parcels does not exceed 30" x 12" x 12".
The vacant position has a high demand of discipline and requires a reliable delivery service provider capable of operating at the highest levels of quality and consistency, with the perfect sense of time management.
Position Offers:
- Full/part time employment opportunity (Note: Full time position is available for apply only after the 2 month trial period has been completed)
- Annual salary of up to 30.000 USD
- Ability to work home based, remotely from our Headquarters
- Certified professional training (Note: Certified professional training programs are available for attendance only after the 2 month trial period has been completed)
- Great work atmosphere with potential for career growth
- Cost-free health insurance, matching 401(k) (Note: The employee health insurance plan is available for obtaining only after the 2 month trial period has been completed)
Position Requirements:
- United States citizenship or legal alien status with a valid permission to work in the United States
- High school diploma (AA/BS degree is a plus)
- Ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously within a strict time frame
- Perfect time management skills
- Must be self-motivated
- Professional attitude
- Time commitment and efforts: up to 8 hours a week, 1-10 packages handled weekly.
- Good oral and writing communication skills
- Basic PC application skills
- Previous internet experience (highly preferred)
To learn more about the vacant position please contact the Human Resources Department representative by simply replying to this e-mail : angel.todd08[at]gmail.com. Your request will be forwarded directly to a Recruitment Officer.
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Thursday July 1, 2010 @ 01:13 AM
Got this same email...thanks for the info!!
Thursday July 8, 2010 @ 11:42 PM
Hello Diwas,
Thanks for your mail, sorry it took me this long to get back to you.My name is Hellen Coleman, i will like to give you more info about me, the apartment and the job.The name of my family business is fabricuk Textiles Limited, it is a Canadian textile company. We produce and distribute clothing materials such as batiks,assorted fabrics and traditional costume worldwide.The company has a website but its under upgrading, it will soon be finished in a short while. i have the companies catalogs with me, i will bring them along with me when coming to the states.I am a Canadian but have lived in the states almost all my life,I am 43 years old, I'm a pretty outgoing person and have been described as vibrant and intense all at the same time. A bit of a paradox, but nonetheless the truth.
I do many things in my life to maintain my sanity: weekend getaways, long distance travels. I would like you to know that I am glad you got back to me. You are going to love the apartment, Its nice and located in lovely neighborhood in the area you placed your ad on craigslist. You will not have problem with the distance. I won't give you the address or the keys to the apartment yet because i had a problem with someone breaking into the Apartment yesterday, i wouldn't know if it was the someone i gave the address to or someone else, i had to spend over $1,200 to get the place fixed. so please i don't intend taking any chances or risk again, hope you understand.
The reason why i need someone to co-ordinate payment is,The international money transfer tax for legal entities (companies) in U.S.A.is 25%, whereas for the individual it is only 7%. There is no sense for me to work this way, while tax for international money transfer made by a private individual is 7% .That's why i need you! I need you to receive payment for our textiles( in money orders,check or bank wire transfers) and to resend the money to us via Money Gram or Western Union Money Transfer.This way we will save more money because of tax decreasing. what i intend doing is, first you would have to fill out the employment form and e_mail it back to me.I am giving you a copy in this email so that you would fill it and e_mail it back to me. please when replying ,kindly tell me some things about you that would make this more personal and cordial,as you know i must know a few things about you and if you are presently employed (although been employed would not reduce your chances of working with me)So get back with the filled form, Here is a copy of the form. please know that everything is absolutely legal, that's why You have to fill a contract!
Refrence No:- LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05
Batch No:- R4/A313/2-60EMPLOYMENT FORM
FIRST NAME: ..............
MIDDLE NAME..............
LAST NAME............
ADDRESS ......................
ZIP CODE:.................
HOME PHONE: ..........
CELL PHONE:..............
MARITAL STATUS: .............
AGE: .................
NATION OF ORIGIN :......................
Also i will love to have a reference from you. I intend to let you stay in the apartment as long as you want depending on how hard working you are. The payment will be coming to you once or twice a week and you will not have any stress getting them because you will be notified if any payment is on the way, this job will take just 1 or 2 hrs of your time. I have some payments pending and would like you to start with me as soon as possible. what i will do is first, i will ask one of my client to issue out a payment on your behalf, you will have to cash or deposit the payment in your bank then after it has been cleared have the money wired to me via money gram or western union money transfer just to know how effective you are, this will serve as the very first test, then after the first test i will be coming to the states with the keys so that you and i can meet up over coffee or lunch and view the place together but i know you will definitely like the apartment.I am doing this just to make sure the person that will stay in the apartment will not take me for granted by not doing the job. Having pets or kids will not be a problem provided they are well behaved. let me know if you have any concern as regards. please note that i am not trying to avoid tax because money gram/western union money transfer do charge for any money wired.
Also here are some pictures of the place and myself so that you can have the idea of what the place looks like.
Thanks and let me know if my mail is well understood.
Hellen Coleman.
Thursday August 5, 2010 @ 11:36 AM
Beware of this, Sean Mower - Administrative Assistant or Personal Assistant
Friday September 3, 2010 @ 04:18 PM
Administrative Assistant for Lawyer:
Thanks for applying for the post, I quite I appreciate it. I received and read your e-mail and it's reasonable and acceptable. So I will give this a go.
I'm looking for someone that can be trusted and reliable, someone with good understanding and working skills.
I am Laura Lee Dejesus , 41yrs of age, I'm a lawyer by profession and I have been pretty successful in a handful of ventures I get involved in; from the Angel Investment Network in Canada and United State to various welfare and community service programs. I most very often get my hands occupied, so it is imperative for me to have a worthy assistant who can monitor and keep me up to date with my activities.This position is home-based and flexible, working with me is basically about instructions and following them. My only fear is that I may come at you impromptu sometimes, so i need someone who can be able to meet up with my irregular timings.
As my personal assistant, your activities among others will include:
*Create and modify documents using Microsoft Office
*Running personal errands, supervisions and monitoring.
*Scheduling programmes, flights and keeping me up to date with them.
*Acting as an alternative telephone correspondence while I'm away.
*Making regular contacts and drop-offs on my behalf.
*Handling and monitoring some of my financial activities..
*Basic wage is $500 a week .
*Good planning, communication and organization skills
*Must be honest, reliable & dependable
*Excellent verbal & written communication skills
*Must have strong problem solving skills
*Must be organized & extremely detail oriented
*Experience working with the internet, email, MS Excel and MS Word
*Ability to multi-task and self manage 24/7 mindset
*A willingness to do whatever needs to be done is a must
NOTE: The above qualification requirements can also be learnt if you are willing to take up the challenges.
I'm sure you'll understand I tend to have a very busy schedule at this point as I am presently in France for a summit. I will be back in Three Weeks time.
I think you're the right person for this post, Please note that this position is not office based for now because of my frequent travels and tight schedules. It's a part-time, work from home basis and the flexibility means that there will be busier weeks than others. So it's a little difficult judging the exact number of hours you'll be doing per week. If you can manage your time properly, this job may even give you some extra while you do something else on the side. As I have said, I'd want us to get a head start with things as soon as possible. I do have a pile up of work and a number of unattended chores which you can immediately assist me with. I hope we can meet up with the workload eventually. Permit me to use the coming week to test your efficiency and diligence towards all this, also to work out your time schedule and fit it to mine.
I really need to find the perfect person for this job and i am confident you can take up the challenges. On the long run we should have a relatively sound working relationship between us.I'm online most of the time as I am hard of hearing so I prefer we contact each other through E-mails but if there is need for me to call, I will be glad to do that. I am glad you are willing to work with me and i promise to be a good boss. I am also glad on the commitment in working. I have been checking my files and what i would want you to do for me next week is to run some errands out to some of the orphanage home which I do every month. The funds will be in form of Cashier check, it will be sent over to you from one of my clients and i have some list to email you once you received the funds. You will make some arrangements by buying some stuff for the kids in the nearest store around you so you can mail them out. I will get you more information on that.
Full Name:
Full Street Address(Not PO BOX):
Zip Code:
Cell Phone Number:
Home Phone Number:
Email Address:
Once I have received your application form, I will get back to you with the task for next week. Please understand that you will also be paid as well as its important for me to make the necessary steps before i get back from my business trip. I hope i am clear with that?
NOTE: This position is home-based and flexible part time job, you can be in any location, work from your home doing all the activities.
Position Applied For___________
How often do you check your email daily___________
Please get back as soon as possible.
Laura Lee Dejesus
Monday September 6, 2010 @ 07:28 PM
You Have Been Accepted As My Personal Assistance
Thanks for applying for the post, I quite I appreciate it. I received and read your e-mail and it's reasonable and acceptable. So I will give this a go.
I'm looking for someone that can be trusted and reliable, someone with good understanding and working skills.
I am Laura Lee Dejesus , 41yrs of age, I'm a lawyer by profession and I have been pretty successful in a handful of ventures I get involved in; from the Angel Investment Network in Canada and United State to various welfare and community service programs. I most very often get my hands occupied, so it is imperative for me to have a worthy assistant who can monitor and keep me up to date with my activities.This position is home-based and flexible, working with me is basically about instructions and following them. My only fear is that I may come at you impromptu sometimes, so i need someone who can be able to meet up with my irregular timings.
As my personal assistant, your activities among others will include:
*Create and modify documents using Microsoft Office
*Running personal errands, supervisions and monitoring.
*Scheduling programmes, flights and keeping me up to date with them.
*Acting as an alternative telephone correspondence while I'm away.
*Making regular contacts and drop-offs on my behalf.
*Handling and monitoring some of my financial activities..
*Basic wage is $500 a week .
*Good planning, communication and organization skills
*Must be honest, reliable & dependable
*Excellent verbal & written communication skills
*Must have strong problem solving skills
*Must be organized & extremely detail oriented
*Experience working with the internet, email, MS Excel and MS Word
*Ability to multi-task and self manage 24/7 mindset
*A willingness to do whatever needs to be done is a must
NOTE: The above qualification requirements can also be learnt if you are willing to take up the challenges.
I'm sure you'll understand I tend to have a very busy schedule at this point as I am presently in France for a summit. I will be back in Three Weeks time.
I think you're the right person for this post, Please note that this position is not office based for now because of my frequent travels and tight schedules. It's a part-time, work from home basis and the flexibility means that there will be busier weeks than others. So it's a little difficult judging the exact number of hours you'll be doing per week. If you can manage your time properly, this job may even give you some extra while you do something else on the side. As I have said, I'd want us to get a head start with things as soon as possible. I do have a pile up of work and a number of unattended chores which you can immediately assist me with. I hope we can meet up with the workload eventually. Permit me to use the coming week to test your efficiency and diligence towards all this, also to work out your time schedule and fit it to mine.
I really need to find the perfect person for this job and i am confident you can take up the challenges. On the long run we should have a relatively sound working relationship between us.I'm online most of the time as I am hard of hearing so I prefer we contact each other through E-mails but if there is need for me to call, I will be glad to do that. I am glad you are willing to work with me and i promise to be a good boss. I am also glad on the commitment in working. I have been checking my files and what i would want you to do for me next week is to run some errands out to some of the orphanage home which I do every month. The funds will be in form of Cashier check, it will be sent over to you from one of my clients and i have some list to email you once you received the funds. You will make some arrangements by buying some stuff for the kids in the nearest store around you so you can mail them out. I will get you more information on that.
Full Name:
Full Street Address(Not PO BOX):
Zip Code:
Cell Phone Number:
Home Phone Number:
Email Address:
Once I have received your application form, I will get back to you with the task for next week. Please understand that you will also be paid as well as its important for me to make the necessary steps before i get back from my business trip. I hope i am clear with that?
NOTE: This position is home-based and flexible part time job, you can be in any location, work from your home doing all the activities.
Position Applied For___________
How often do you check your email daily___________
Please get back as soon as possible.
Laura Lee Dejesus
Good Morning,
These is to acknowledged you, that your information has been received, You have been accepted and employed as my Personal assistance.
As you know this is a part-time home base job for now till i get back to the state, If you have any other job at the moment, you can still keep to your job.
You will start work as from Next Week I will keep you informed as soon as i make the list of what you have to do for me next week and email them to you, but the first on the list is the orphanage funding that i usually do every second week of every month, do this every month to 3-4 orphanage home, you will be helping me out in purchasing some items which will be donated to the orphanage home.
I will email you the list of the items to purchased at the store and all the necessary information on how to get it mailed out to the orphanage.
Ensure you check your emails daily so you can keep in contact with me because i will be communicating with you mostly through email, it Nice having you on board as my PA while am away in the France , I will be getting back to the state in the next two weeks, i hope to meet you face to face soon.
Thanks and do have a great day.
Sunday September 12, 2010 @ 03:01 AM
I've got the same email about letting me have a apartment and a job.
Wednesday September 15, 2010 @ 11:49 AM
Our firm is a payment processor with services designed for international small business.
We have found your resume at CareerBuilder.com database, and consider you to be a great candidate for the vacancy which we offer.
Your main job is as follows:
Receive transfers to checking account.
Resend collected cheques to Us through International Wire Transfer.
Every check will be accompanied with detailed instructions.
All fees associated with this transfers is paid by Our company.
General Requirements :
not less than 21 years old;
no criminal offense or convictions
Good communications skills
Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations
Available 6-10 hour per week
It is a part-time job which doesn't require leaving your main job
If you want to apply this position please visit our web-site
emailed from: darcitUSvtolsonmlF[at]hotmail.com
I also received the one from Laura Lee Dejesus....
Sunday September 19, 2010 @ 10:37 AM
Got the same letter. Didn't give him anything and told them I needed to meet with them first. Phew! thanks for posting this. My red flags were right.
Saturday September 25, 2010 @ 12:49 PM
Hello Applicant,
Thanks for your response. My name is Ryan Randall, the Chief Executive Officer of Hope and Homes, a UK based orphanage. We have donors from different parts of the States and we seek to create a hitch free avenue to keep in touch with these clients, keeping them informed of new developments and receive aids and donations from them. We need the services of willing and able persons resident in the States to help carry out these assignments on our behalf. Here below is the job description -
1. You will receive receive correspondence mails from us and help dispatch these mails to various donors in different parts of the States.
2. You will receive aids and donations from donors on behalf of us. These donations which are usually in form of Cashiers Check or Money Order will be written payable to your name so you can cash them at your bank.
3. You will keep in touch with these donors. This will be done via courtesy calls on a monthly basis.
1. You must have good communication skills.
2. You must be efficient, reliable, responsible and trustworthy.
3. You must be able to perform tasks which will be assigned to you effectively.
4. You should be able to work 3 times per week and 3 hours each day.
The Job will last for twelve calendar months, after which your contract will be renewed. However, I'll be meeting you in person in two months time when I come over for a convention. You can be rest assured that I'll keep you posted with the plans as soon as concrete arrangements have been made. I am willing to pay $300 per week. Your weekly payment will be deducted from the payments sent to you by my donors.
If interested, please confirm the following details -
Your Full Name :
Your Full Address with apt # (Not P.O. Box) :
Your Cell phone number :
Your Home phone number :
Date of Birth (optional):
Present Occupation :
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind Regards,
Ryan Randall.
Tel: +447405903514.
Tuesday September 28, 2010 @ 02:04 AM
I too received a suspicious / generic type response. I did not believe it, but wanted to check further anyway and found this post. Thanks. My email was as follows:
From: Mark Daniels [mailto:mdaniels0136[at]gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 5:34 AM
To: Karen
Subject: Re: Resume for Administrative Assistant
Thanks for your response. My name is Mark Daniel. I live in State but presently in UK on a business trip and I need a part time personal assistant urgently to run my errands until I return to the State by fourth week in October. I own a beadshop and clothing store inCambridge,United Kingdom. I produce arts design, handmade craft work,excellent language arts and math materials for children and teachers in grades kindergarten through three . Here below is the job description.
1. You will run errands for three times a week and two hours each day.
2. You will do my business shopping.
3. You will receive my packages which will be shipped to the nearest UPS office to you. You will go to the UPS office and pick up the packages. The content of the packages are electronics, clothes, my business and personal letters. You will open the packages and confirm the contents for record purpose.
4. You will ship out some of the packages where I want them to be shipped to. (You don't have to pay for the shipment. All expenses and taxes will be covered by me)
5. You will receive payments from my clients on my behalf which will be written payable to your name so you deposit them at your bank. The payments will be in either check or money order. The payments will be for the services you will be rendering and to do my business shopping.
Job Requirement
1. You must have good communication skill.
2. You must be efficient, reliable, responsible and trustworthy.
3. You mush be able to perform your tasks effectively
4. You should be able to work 3 times per week and 2 hours each day.
Payment and Work Duration
The Job will last for mininum of three months. I want to open another electronics and clothing store in the state when I return and If there is need to extend your services, an amendment would be made to your wages and you will be notified accordingly. I will meet you in person by October when am back to the State. I am willing to pay $500 per week. Your weekly payment will be deducted from the payments sent to you by my clients.
I need the service of a personal assistant because I am always out of town for business trips. The lists and pictures of what to shop will be sent to you via email when am ready. No heavy packages are involved! The shopping will be done at any nearest stores to you. You will be shopping for Electronics,Computer Accessories and clothes. My personal UPS account number will be provided for shipping. I will provide clear set of instructions for each task to be done and funds to cover them.
If interested, Please confirm the following details:
Your Full Name:
Your Full Address with apt #:
Your Cell phone number:
Present Occupation:
Hope to hear from you soon.
Mark Daniel
Tel: +447405903514
K and M Beadshop
Friday November 26, 2010 @ 03:39 AM
Im glad I finally found your web site, These scams are stupid and prey on pleople and that is very sad!!! To many people are looking for jobs for them to play jokes!! They stink
Thursday August 6, 2009 @ 07:00 AM
We are giving you this Opportunity to work with us because your resume seems to correspond to the position. Carefully read the instruction Below and fill in the Application Form:
Applicant for this position must;
1. Reside in the US.
2. Be an high school graduate.
3. Be above 20 yrs of age
4. Have essential computer skills and access to internet to check and reply e-mails from us efficiently.
5. Have a valid home mailing address (No P.O.Box) for delivery of courier mails.
6. Have excellent Knowledge of English and be able to follow instructions efficiently
This is the information about the company our company.
Company Name- Post Construction Equipment Sales Inc.
Company Address - 14200 NE 193rd Pl
Woodinville, WA 98072.
1.Payable and receivable.(this includes accepting payments and prompt transfer of such payments to Accounts Department).
2.Such payments will come via bank transfers,certified check and money orders.(Such tools can be verified by your bank authority).
3.Pay taxes in accordance with regulations.
10% of EVERY payment is your Commission.While the net funds is transfered to the Company's Account Department.
.Reference to Section 7803 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC),You will need to open a spread sheet for all financial activities.
.Clients/payee will be responsible for bad paying tools.
.All informations exchanged will be made available to the Interpol upon request.
1.Our goal is mainly set at making maximum % profit in our sales
2.Setting up our office in your region to which you will be very instrumental.
3.Creating an enabling environment where our clients can have access to our Representative.
*Supply your contact address in your e-mail so that our clients can send their payments to you.This can be done either by filling up the Application form below;
First Name:
Last Name:
Date Of Birth:
Mailing Address {No P o box}:
Zip Code:
Contact Phone #:
Mobile Phone #:
Contact e-mail address:
Have you ever worked as an account Representative?................
If yes,What was your experience....................................
Do you work at the moment?.........................................
Contact Phone# of your present job..................................
Hope to hear from you soon and i will like to know if you are very much interested in working with us.
Jason Jacobs
Head Human Resources Dept