[Tags: scam, internet, business]
This is a new being sent in reply to ads placed on Craigslist. Give thanks to Tiesha Star for sending this one in.
Avoid any association with this scam and do not respond to any emails from Exclusive Inc.
Do not cash any checks received from the this "job". They are fake or fraudulent and if deposited will be subtracted from your bank balance once the fraud is discovered.
If you received another job scam featuring another company please forward the email to

How do I spot a job scam?
1.) The message is for a position that you did not apply for
2.) The message is from or asking for a reply to an email address from a free email provider (ie: @aol.com, @yahoo.com, @gmail.com)
3.)The position is for a work at home job. Let's get real here most of these positions are hard to come by.
4.) The message provides no phone and/or no mailing address
5.) The company does not have a website or the website was created in the last year. Do a whois lookup to see when a domain was created.
6.) The job has few qualifications
7.) The message is written with poor english
8.) A Google search for the company finds little or no history for the company
9.) The email fails to mention you by name. Starts off with generic opening (ie: Dear job seeker, Dear applicant).
*** This list is not all inclusive. Remember if you have to ask yourself if it's a scam it probably is!
What should I do if I provided my information to scammers?
- Do not respond to further communications.
- Do not cash any checks you received from fraudulent offer.
- If you sent bank Information: Call your bank immediately and tell them what happened. They should be able to change your account number or cancel your account.
- If you are still concerned you might want to enroll in credit monitoring such as LifeLock Identity Theft Prevention
- You can also file a claim with The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). They are probably overloaded with these types of claim though, so I would not expect an individual response. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau or your states attorney general's office
- Post a comment below with any information you have on this scam to inform other people to try and avoid any future victims. Post the email you received with exact wording if different from original posted so when people search for terms they find this warning.
From: Eric Dennis
Subject: Re: Administrative Assistant
Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 8:33 PM
Reference No: - LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 HO Ref:99645
Batch No: - R4/A313/2-60 Port
Application No: LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 FCO Number: 812374
Respondent: Recruiting Officer
Dear Applicant
We received your resume and your application on Craigslist on the july of this year but we are really sorry to inform you that this Position as been filled, it is no more available. Our HR Managers have gone through your resume and due to some certain factors you have been picked as one of our possible candidate
to be one of our Accounts Payable Specialist which is the post That is available right now.
We strive to ensure quality from crop to counter.
end, Exclusive inc. requires the highest standards and
specifications, not just for product ingredients; every detail of production, transport, delivery, preparation and service is Also exhaustively monitored.
A focus on quality permeates every aspect of the business.
Exclusive inc. standards lead the food industry, and we
continue to work with government and health officials to Investigate improvements.
Exclusive inc. also recognize the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle and continues to seek quality new products Which satisfy customers expectations for taste and value? We Are independent and privately owned.
We serve the entire United States, Your primary task for now, as an Accounts Payable Specialist of this company is to coordinate payments from clients and help us with the payment Process. You are not involved in any marketing. You would be responsible for receiving payments after we have offered our
professional services to our numerous clients. After this has been done the customer has to pay for the service but in most Cases we make our clients prepay for services. About 90 percent of our clients prefer to pay through Certified Checks or Money Orders drawn from the United State based on the amount Involved. We have decided to open this new contract -to-hire
job position for solving this problem pending the time that we Will open a branch office in this state.
Your First Primary task (Collection of Payments):
1. Receive payment from our Customers or Clients.
2. Cash Payment at your Bank.
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to, you have a lot of free time doing another job, because this job is part Time, you'll get good income. But this job is very challenging And you should understand it. We are considering your application because you satisfy our requirements and we are sure you will be an earnest assistant till we start running our Branch office in your state.
-You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent
Contractor right from your home office.
-Your job is absolutely legal.
-You can earn up to 3000-4000 dollars monthly depending on time you Will spend for this job. You do not need any capital to start.
-You can do the Work easily without leaving or affecting your present Job. The employees who make efforts and work hard have A strong possibility to become managers. Anyway our employees Never leave us. But the problem we have is trust but we hope we Can trust you.
Get back to us with the requirements below if you are
interested so that we can add your mailing address to our Regional database and forward it to our customers for them to Send payments after conducting background checks.
Full Names_______________
Mailing Address (Not P. O Box) _________________
City__ ___________________
Postal Code______________
Phone Number____________________
Email Address____________________
Marital Status___________
Send the requirements we asked for to this email address We are not asking for your bank info neither are we asking for your social security number, we are only asking for the name of Your bank and that is all.
Your response to this email is needed, so that we can
reconfirm your mailing address details we have in our
We will be updating you as soon as the payment is being sent to you and you will be directed as to where to have the remaining 90% of the money sent to, after the deduction of your 10% pay On any payments received and processed by you.
A swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this email will be Appreciated.
Thanks For Your Total Understanding and Moral cooperation.
Wagner Mill Inc. is an equal opportunity employer!
I can best be contacted by email as I am on computer every time.
I will be expecting your respones
Eric Dennis
Recruiting Officer
Exclusive inc
These people are so dumb they use a standard email template for scams and forgot to change the company name from another scam "Wagner Mill Inc." to "Exclusive, Inc."
If you received this please post a comment so I know posting these warnings are useful.
- Related Articles:
- PHC consulting Careers are a scam
- Job Scam: Marathon Oil U.K. Ltd Account Clerk Position
- Craigslist Job Scam: iZZi Computers
Reader Comments (Page 5 of 6)
Friday October 14, 2011 @ 11:44 AM
I got the exact same email sent a scanned pic of my passport but luckily i became suspicious when they asked for bank details dont fall for this scam!
Friday October 14, 2011 @ 01:47 PM
Monday October 17, 2011 @ 11:07 AM
I just got this email 10 mins ago. I thought it was probably a scam. It's not the first I've had since going on Jobsite,,,last week!! One quick search later and here I am :-) >
Your CV has been found via Jobsite UK website.
My name is Helen, I am the manager of CSP Recruitment, a leading recruiting agency for home based and part-time jobs. I email you with regard to the job seeking information you have recently posted.
I'd like to propose you the vacancy of Administrative Assistant available for you at your preferred Location.
Our client, Okane FX - a major Japanese financial corporation,
the foreign exchange specialists operating within the Europe is a focused provider of payments and processing.
The company was formed in 1999 and has operations in Australia, Spain, Malta, UAE, Ireland, Scandinavia, Great Britain
and the USA.
In a view of our client's growth in the United Kingdom market,
they are currently searching for new personnel.
Specific education is not required to work at the Okane FX. Our client provides you with the part-time position, you are able work 2-3 hours a day at any convenient schedule mostly sitting in front of your PC.
The initial salary varies within £1200-£3000 to be uplifted to £8,000, and even larger bonuses for those ones making a good showing in some time.
Advantages :
-career development ;
-commissions from business deals;
-up to three employment hours daily ;
-no charges and fees;
-flexible working hours - choose a convenient work schedule; -no special skills needed ;
-interesting and exciting work in the successfull company.
-social welfare;
This is NOT a telesales position.
Tuesday October 18, 2011 @ 05:37 AM
I also received an email re Helen at CSP and one from the "personal manager" in Tokyo! I have sent them a copy of my driving license, but got suspicious when they wanted my account details. Is there someone to contact to report this?
Tuesday October 18, 2011 @ 10:07 PM
I gave them my bank details but stopped at the last second. I closed the account and opened a new one.
Monday October 24, 2011 @ 01:50 PM
joseph clifford [clifford.joseph8[at]gmail.com]
Sent: Sat 10/15/2011 10:52 PM
To: Me
Thanks for the information. I must let you know that, we have received more resumes than we expected. Anyway, am using this medium to congratulate you on your employment . You are one of the chosen applicant that was shortlisted after a final screening from our recruitment crew. Having gone through your resume, we found that , you are the most qualified out of all the applicant. Congratulations once again.Your 10% will increase to 15% as time goes on, but that will depend on the way you handle and perform your functions. Of course, you know what to do, receive payment in form of Cashier Checks or Money Order from our Clients and get it deposit at your bank.We hope this will be the beginning of a fruitful relationship between us.
For your first assignment. A Check will be issued in your name and sent to your address from one of our big customer but before then, we will like to know how long it will take you to get this deposit into your bank account? Once we receive an answer from you, I will notify you with the date and tracking number of your first Check.
Thanks and get back to me as soon as possible.
joseph clifford [clifford.joseph8[at]gmail.com]
Sent: Sat 10/16/2011 11:27 AM
To: Me
Hello Olga L Betancourt,
A Check of $2,300 will been issued in your Names and send to your address you shall get it next week. I will email you next week as soon as i have the tracking details from our Clients, this is what you will do, as soon as you get the check get it deposit into your bank account as soon as the fund is available so you can deduct your own %10 from the money and send the rest of the money via Western Union to our Head office.
Thanks and get back to me as soon as possible.
joseph clifford [clifford.joseph8[at]gmail.com]
Sent: Sat 10/20/2011 1:47 AM
To: Me
Hello Olga L Betancourt,
how are you,and how was your week, i hope you are having a nice time I just wanna to let you know that i will be getting the tracking number from my courier service (USPS) on Friday evenening and i will send it to you this is what you will do as soon as you receive the check get it deposit into your bank account.
Thanks and get back to me as soon as possible.
joseph clifford [clifford.joseph8[at]gmail.com]
Sent: Sat 10/21/2011 6:13 PM
To: Me
The check has finally been delivered to your address today. Could you please email me and let me know if the check has been deposit into your bank account.
I will be waiting to hear from you soonest
joseph clifford [clifford.joseph8[at]gmail.com]
Sent: Sat 10/21/2011 6:14 PM
To: Me
The check has finally been delivered to your address today, Left at front door. Package delivered to recipient address Could you please email me and let me know if the check has been deposit into your bank account.
I will be waiting to hear from you soonest
joseph clifford [clifford.joseph8[at]gmail.com]
Sent: Sat 10/22/2011 5:55 PM
To: Me
Hello Olga L Betancourt,
Can you get back to me and let me know what is giong with the check I will be waiting to read back from you...Thanks
joseph clifford [clifford.joseph8[at]gmail.com]
Sent: Sat 10/23/2011 6:13 PM
To: Me
Hello Olga L Betancourt,
this is what you will do, deposit the check into your bank account tomorrow morning as soon as the fund is available so you can deduct your own %10 $230 from the money and send the rest of the money to our newly created office in (Michigan) via Money Gram Money Transfer..
Here is the information below :
Money Gram info:
LAST NAME- Terrell
ADDRESS--- 1155 Gratiot Ave
CITY - Detroit
COUNTRY - MI 48207
When you want to send the Money Gram, they will ask you for transfer charges for sending the money just tell them to deduct it from the rest the funds you are sending, send the money minute to minute so that they can get it on time and you will be sending me the information and the receipt giving to you from Money Gram after the transfer will have been completed, here are the info needed below :
Once you are done i will be expecting the information giving to you from Money Gram so i can forward all the necessary information to Lonnie Terrell..
Have a wonderful day.
Thanks and get back to me as soon as possible.
joseph clifford [clifford.joseph8[at]gmail.com]
Sent: Sat 10/24/2011 10:33 AM
To: Me
What the hell is going on??? Why the sudden mute?? If i do not hear from you with in the next 24hrs, i will forward all your infomation to the local police and the FBI.
Thursday November 17, 2011 @ 07:24 AM
I RECEIVED the same email on the 11october2011.and i suspected when they say u work 2-3 hors and earn 1200-8000 ,it was too good to be true,some of the scam will say that they will help u get visa and u must pay for them to help u,i was wise enough to reliase this early,
i suggest wht we need to do to see if its a scam,copy their adress or telephone and google it ,it will give u results that its scam ,it always work for me to google as many info as u can ,i inven emailed them that i knw its a scam and they stop emailing me
Saturday December 3, 2011 @ 07:24 PM
I received this today as well. Pretty fake after doing some simple research... Too bad for all those people actually LOOKING for jobs.
Hello _______,
I would like to thank you for taking the time to apply for our job position.
I am glad to hear from you. Lets go over the description requirements for the job. The following are some of the responsibilities you will have:
* Answering general phone calls for our department.
* Schedule appointments and coordinate customers.
* Handle bank deposits and outbound errands such as for company purchases.
* You will be responsible for a company fleet vehicle.
* You will also be responsible for one of our company credit cards in all official business.
After reviewing your resume, your qualifications are clear and I believe that you are better suited for this position than the other applications I received. I would like to begin the hiring process with you. Now, before I can schedule an interview, company policy dictates that you obtain a recent credit report (from past 2 business days). This policy was created ever since an issue we had with a few of our employees abusing the company credit card accounts.
I prefer and recommend you obtain your credit check here (Credit Report) since we have found them to be the most accurate and their service is free, however you are welcome to use any provider.
After you register with them, you will receive your report. Please do not send me the report via email since it has sensitive information. Instead, have a hard copy with you when we conduct your interview. Also, this report is just a formality and a low credit score will not disqualify you for the position, we will just discuss it together.
When you have obtained your report, email me your telephone number where I can contact you along with what day this week you would like me to schedule the interview on.
I am ready to fill this position this week and am looking forward to meeting with you.
Victoria Sweet
ATN Corporate - Human Resources
Tuesday December 20, 2011 @ 05:40 PM
I got this and thought it was real. im not naive enough to deposit it into my account so i went to a check cashing place. the address they wanted it sent to was
lonnie terrell
detroit, mi
it is called autowee and this guy actually works there, im tempted to talk to him or the manager since the cops wont help me at all. they wont even let me do a complaint.
The Company Name is Alpina Genève. Alpina Genève is a Swiss manufacturer of accessible luxury watches and is an independent company based in Geneva, Switzerland and we continue to develop highly distinctive and attractive collections with a real sporting pedigree..The primary goal of the Receptionist/Office Assistant is to provide local customer assistant to our clients within North America. You will be assisting our clients within North America, the assistance to be provided will include: payment collections and customer service.And also i seek someone who can be my personal assistant and act on my behalf when i am not in the country.So In your reply please indicate if you will be interested in been my personal assistant. This position is home based and communication will mostly be via Text,Calls,and Emails.
I'm looking for someone that can be trusted and reliable to work very well with good understanding. This position is home-based and flexible, working with me is basically about instructions and following them.
Presently i am in Switerzland for the company representative meeting and i want my assistant to start work immediately and also in your reply indicate when you wish to start work.
Your duties will include:
- Collecting Local Payments
When a buyer in United States decides to purchase an item through an online auction from our sellers he has the following payment options: Money orders, international wire transfer, international check, or local wire transfer. The quickest option of these is local wire transferring. Local wire transfers are the option that the sales support representative will provide to the clients.
- Managing Data
Along with the payments received from buyers you will be receiving details for these sales. These details will include items sold, price, and buyer's information. You are to file and maintain these purchasing records and transactions.
- Forwarding of the Payments
Once you receive each payment you will be keeping 10% as commission and forwarding the rest to the seller or representative, whose information will be provided prior each transaction. It is crucial to complete forwarding of the payments in a time efficient manner.
- Fees, and Transferring Procedures
All fees are covered by the company. The fees for transferring are simply deducted from the payments received. No client will contact you during initial stage of the trial period. After three weeks of the trial period you will begin to have contact with the buyers via email in regards to collection of the payments. For the first three weeks you will simply receive all of the transferring details, and payments, along with step by step guidance from your supervisor. You will be forwarding the received payments by wire transfer.
Additional Information:
During the trial period, you will be paid 2,000USD per month while working on average 3-4hours per day, plus 10% commission from every payment received and forwarded. The salary will be sent in the form of wire transfer directly to your account. After the trial period your base pay salary will go up to 2,200USD per month, plus 10% commission.
You will receive a monthly invoice stating your total income. All applicable taxes are covered by the company,Basic wage is $400 Weekly excluding Gas expenses and compensations.
Your First Primary task (Collection of Payments):
1. Receive payment from our Customers or Clients.
2. Cash Payment at your Bank or any cashing facilities near you.
3. Deduct 10 % which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to, you'll have a lot of free time doing another job, because this job schedule is flexible, you'll get good income .But this job is very challenging and you should understand it.
Please kindly fill your details below, so that you can get started.
Personal Information
Full Name:
Apt #:
Postal Code:
Resident Phone Number:
The employee,acknowledged the Detailed Job Description
and signed___________ _____________________
(First Name and Last Name of Employee)
Kindly respond with requested details .Once I have received your contact information, I will get back to you with the task for this week.
Thanks in anticipation of your prompt response.
Financial Representative .
Tanya Burch
Tuesday January 3, 2012 @ 04:20 PM
Got this in my email after applying to a craigslist job ad entited "CSR/RECEPTIONIST (San Diego)" Sent from Angelina Villain with the email: angelinavillain900[at]gmail.com
Fortunately the listing has been removed from the website.
The Company Name is Alpina Genève. Alpina Genève is a Swiss manufacturer of accessible luxury watches and is an independent company based in Geneva, Switzerland and we continue to develop highly distinctive and attractive collections with a real sporting pedigree..The primary goal of the Receptionist/Office Assistant is to provide local customer assistant to our clients within North America. You will be assisting our clients within North America, the assistance to be provided will include: payment collections and customer service.And also i seek someone who can be my personal assistant and act on my behalf when i am not in the country.So In your reply please indicate if you will be interested in been my personal assistant. This position is home based and communication will mostly be via Text,Calls,and Emails.
I'm looking for someone that can be trusted and reliable to work very well with good understanding. This position is home-based and flexible, working with me is basically about instructions and following them.
Presently i am in Switzerland for the company representative meeting and i want my assistant to start work immediately and also in your reply indicate when you wish to start work.
Your duties will include:
- Collecting Local Payments
When a buyer in United States decides to purchase an item through an online auction from our sellers he has the following payment options: Money orders, international wire transfer, international check, or local wire transfer. The quickest option of these is local wire transferring. Local wire transfers are the option that the sales support representative will provide to the clients.
- Managing Data
Along with the payments received from buyers you will be receiving details for these sales. These details will include items sold, price, and buyer's information. You are to file and maintain these purchasing records and transactions.
- Forwarding of the Payments
Once you receive each payment you will be keeping 10% as commission and forwarding the rest to the seller or representative, whose information will be provided prior each transaction. It is crucial to complete forwarding of the payments in a time efficient manner.
- Fees, and Transferring Procedures
All fees are covered by the company. The fees for transferring are simply deducted from the payments received. No client will contact you during initial stage of the trial period. After three weeks of the trial period you will begin to have contact with the buyers via email in regards to collection of the payments. For the first three weeks you will simply receive all of the transferring details, and payments, along with step by step guidance from your supervisor. You will be forwarding the received payments by wire transfer.
Additional Information:
During the trial period, you will be paid 2,000USD per month while working on average 3-4hours per day, plus 10% commission from every payment received and forwarded. The salary will be sent in the form of wire transfer directly to your account. After the trial period your base pay salary will go up to 2,200USD per month, plus 10% commission.
You will receive a monthly invoice stating your total income. All applicable taxes are covered by the company,Basic wage is $400 Weekly excluding Gas expenses and compensations.
Your First Primary task (Collection of Payments):
1. Receive payment from our Customers or Clients.
2. Cash Payment at your Bank or any cashing facilities near you.
3. Deduct 10 % which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to, you'll have a lot of free time doing another job, because this job schedule is flexible, you'll get good income .But this job is very challenging and you should understand it.
Please kindly fill your details below, so that you can get started.
Personal Information
Full Name:
Apt #:
Postal Code:
Resident Phone Number:
The employee,acknowledged the Detailed Job Description
and signed___________ _____________________
(First Name and Last Name of Employee)
Kindly respond with requested details .Once I have received your contact information, I will get back to you with the task for this week.
Thanks in anticipation of your prompt response.
Financial Representative .
Angelina villain
Wednesday February 15, 2012 @ 12:52 AM
When you receive such email(s), it is best to check the sources first. The next thing to do is to do a background check on that source to make sure that the email is legit. Such cases is very rampant today and all should be vigilant before doing transaction. - https://www.identitypi.com
Friday March 2, 2012 @ 11:07 AM
I got the same emails, sent them my info stupidly, then when I did y research I found it was a scam. So I wrote him that I quit, next week I get an email with details of the check hes sending me yo be deposited in my bank then to immediately withdraw and send to the address he supplied. I wrote back to not send me anything and that I was aware all this is a scam. I got 2 emails back. One saying "tf you saying, tf you saying" then another written somewhat more proper asking how me and my family are and why it's taking me so long to send the money. I wrote back that I will not be depositing it and that I will destroy it.
What should I do if he writes again?
Saturday March 3, 2012 @ 10:43 AM
Could someone please investigate this and tell me whether this is a scam? I should be getting paid next week, have done tasks like online research for them but not done any transactions
Administrative Assistant
(Part-time, HOME BASED, UK nationwide opportunity)
Strong attention to details
Excellent problem solving skills
Excellent communication and follow through skills
Career-oriented individual searching for rapid growth
Assisting in finding local services/information.
Working under supervision of firm managers
Receiving, sorting, and routing mail and publications
Receiving payments and record receipts for services
Sending and receiving Western Union and Money Gram transfers from/to partners.
Reporting online daily
Other duties as assigned by management
Base pay: 1250 GBP a month.
During probation period (1 month) base pay is 950 GBP .
From Monday to Friday
Full time job offer available after successful probation.
Confirm that you wish to continue application providing the following data:
Full address:
Contact phone number:
Preferred working hours:
Provide us with a copy of your passport or driver license by email.*
*Due to the fact that you are applying remotely this is an obligatory step in order to verify your identity and make background check.
You will receive a job agreement to be signed after you pass the phone interview and after the validation of your ID.
The verification process can last for three days.
Be sure to be able to pick up your phone in case you are called to verify your identity by the security office.
You have to open a bank account in order to use it during your employment for the job purposes.
Having completed these three steps you can start working.
If you meet all of our requirements and agree with the conditions of this position, please send your application with attached ID copy to: assistants[at]robenjack.com
There are two main duties of administrative assistant which are:
1) Making online researches
2) Making Western Union and Money Gram transfers to the company's partners.
The position is home-based and the work proccess organized as follows:
Administrative assistant receives tasks daily in the morning hours by email. The email contains task objectives and full instructions how to complete it. Administrative assistant has to complete it within preferred working schedule and provide his manager with a report.
To complete tasks with Western Union and Money Gram transfers administrative assistant is asked to open a bank account where he will be receiving funds for completing such tasks.
If you meet all of our requirements and agree with the conditions of this position, please send your application with attached ID copy to: assistants[at]robenjack.com
Thursday August 23, 2012 @ 10:12 AM
I also just received an email. I had my suspicions so I started to Google his name. Found this website thankfully!
Eric Kitts
Hello, I got your resume and it has been reviewed and i did appreciate it,so I will give this a GO!I'm looking for someone that can be trusted and reliable to work very well and with good understanding.This position is home-based and flexible, working with me is basically about instructions and following them.As my office/personal assistant,your activities amongst other things will include;*Running personal errands, supervisions and monitoring. Scheduling programmes, flights and keeping me up to date with them.Acting as an alternative telephone correspondence while I'm away.Making regular contacts and drop-offs on my behalf.Handling and monitoring some of my financial activities..Basic wage is $500 Weekly I'm sure you'll understand I tend to have a very busy schedule at this point,as I am presently in Canada and i will be back in Three Weeks time.so there will be no interview except for the form you will fill below.
1. Have you ever worked as a Personal Assistant? 2. Can you communicate effective and efficiently? 3. Will you be able to run errands 2 hours per day for and will be needed 3 days per week?
Please note that this position is not office based for now because of my frequent travels and tight schedules,it's a part-time work from home and the flexibility means that there will be busier weeks than others,..As I have said, I'd want us to get a head START with things as soon as possible.I do have lots of works piled up presently and a number of unattended chores which you can immediately assist me with,I hope we can meet up with the workload eventually. Permit me to use this week to test your efficiency and diligence towards all this.I really need to find the perfect person for this job, I'm confident you can take up the challenge and on the long run we should have a relatively sound working relationship between us. I'm online most of the time ,I have hearing difficulties so I prefer we contact each other through E-mails,but if there is need for me to call, I will be glad to do that.I am glad you are willing to work with me and i promise to be a good boss. I am also glad on the commitment in working.I have been checking my files and what i would want you to do for me this week is to run some errands out to some of the orphanage home, I do that every month.A payment in form of a Cashier Check/Money Order will be sent over to you from one of my clients and i have some lists to email you once you received the funds,You will make some arrangements by buying some stuff for the kids in the Orphanage at any nearest store around you so you can mail them out. I will get you more information on that,I will like you to fill the requirements below:
Full Names: Mailing Address(P.O Box not accepted): Apt Number if available: City: State: Zip Code: Home Phone Number: Cell Number: Email Address:
The employee,acknowledged the Detailed Job Description and signed _______________ (First Name and Last Name of Employee)
Once I have received your contact information, I will get back to you with the task for this week,Understand you will also be paid as well as its important for me to make the necessary steps before i get back from my business trip back to the states.Hope I am clear with that.Get back as soon as possible.I will be expecting your response.. kittstyle[at]gmail.com
Regards, Eric
On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:41 PM
Wednesday April 3, 2013 @ 08:57 PM
OMG! my husband its a contractor and this arleen newhouse sent us an email reply from a craiglist Ad and she said will pay $680 for labor but will mail a check for $1,900 so will deduct our painting services and give the rest to a landlord. Im worry since I Sent my name and address, phone number and email. what should I do?
Saturday June 8, 2013 @ 12:02 PM
Dear Applicant,
Thanks for your response. I'm looking for someone that can be trusted and reliable to work very well with good understanding as my Personal Assistant. This position I a am offering is home-based and flexible, working with me is basically about instructions and following them, my only fear is that i may come at you impromptu sometimes, so I need someone who can be able to meet up with my irregular timings. As my Personal Assistant, your activities among-st other things will include:
Duties and Requirements:
*Scheduling programmer's, flights and keeping me up-to-date with them.
*Handling and monitoring some of my financial activities.
*Processing weekly check payment.
*Filing, Faxing, Creating and sending out letters, scanning documents, some personal assistant duties for owners, and many other
*Managing expenses and invoices
Basic wage is $625 Weekly
I'm sure you'll understand I tend to have a very busy schedule at this point. Please note that this position is not office based for now because of my frequent travels and tight schedules, it's a part-time work from home for now and the flexibility means that there will be busier weeks than others. I would like to give you an immediate trial, so if you are interested kindly get back to me. As I have been checking my files and schedules and would need someone urgently to run some errands for me this next week, while I am away. I will have some funds sent to you to complete the errands and would get back to you with more information on that, get back to me with your Personal/Contact Details such as:
Nationality: ___________________________
Current Job: ____________________________
How often do you check your email: ______________
Days/Hours Available: Hours Available: from _______ to ______
What date are you available to start work? ________________
If you're interested you can e-mail me back for more information about the job.
Thanks in anticipation of your prompt response.
Yours Sincerely,
Alan Walsh
Wednesday September 11, 2013 @ 10:25 PM
The newest scam
We received your Confidential Resume from listing/posting saying you are the best candidate for us. A new office is just opening down town your area and we are looking for Firms Data Entry Clerk to start with us. Kindly answer the Interview question to see if you are the best candidate for us. However this is a whole new innovation for working Independently from a small office unit, our office is fully setup. We have vacancy for 20 Staffs and your prompt and accurate response to the interview questions below would definitely give you an edge.
Law Firms Data Entry, is one of the Data Entry Clerk leaders in data entry outsourcing services, document scanning services and document processing services. Starting with the release of CAD in October of 2012, the very first publicly available conversion services and large format scanning services reduce document processing costs in your back-office.
-- Basically we have highly esteemed clients whom we have lost records for their purchases. Now we would be having you work with us under data entry section in order to go through records and files to compute these back log of data and even up to date and current data files for our clients & customers purchase transactions to be stored properly in the new data base.
-- We have a large network of clients with huge loads of unprocessed paper work and customer/client purchase records that have not been properly computed. We are offering this position due to the cut down on our work force few months ago. This position is strictly Firms Data Entry Clerk and the position offers full equipments and facilities for the job from home pending the establishment of our new outlet in 3weeks.
-- The pay for this position is $30.00 Per Hour. You would be attached to a supervisor whom you would report to on daily basis for your log duty. 7 hours Maximum daily.
IMPORTANT : Respond to the following Interview questions below via email.
This would be used to evaluate your knowledge of the position in question.
* Have you ever worked Online at any Capacity?
* Ever worked Firms Data Entry Clerk?
* What is your Clerical Speed?
* What makes you think you are a good Data Entry?
* What are you looking for in the firms you have applied to?
* How long were you at your last job and Why did you leave your last job?
* What interests you about this job and Why do you want this job?
* Are you taking this as a primary Job? and Are you overqualified for this job?
* Do you have Professional Reference? ( Give us 2 Contacts )
* What do you think you can bring to this company?
* Why should we hire you over other candidates?
* Do you have any experience in working as an Office Executive OR Data Entry clerk ?
* Do you know how to operate a Printer/Fax machine/Scanner/Photocopier perfectly?
* What do you Understand by Privacy & Code of Conduct?
* Explain Petty Cash Transactions?
* Are you willing to travel? and Have you applied to anyone else?
* How long do you expect to remain employed with this company?
* What is your pay from you current or past Job and What sort of salary are you expecting?
* Are you willing to give your best shot at working with our online staffs?
* Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know?
This is the end of the interview process. Our email conversation would be recorded and reviewed by the Management Desk. You would be updated via Phone & Email OR rather be online for the next 24 - 48 Hours to know if you did get the position. Kindly check your email for updates. The Position is Temporarily work at home job, unit new outlet office is completely setup in 3weeks; then you will be working directly working from the main office building as a full time staff
Kind Regards,
Jackie Nunez
Office (646) 543-8554
Head of Personnel Management
Resource for Online Staffs
Company Name : Law Firms Data Entry
These people are getting smarter by the minute. You have a latino last name yet you sound Nigerian..go figure
Thursday December 5, 2013 @ 01:28 PM
I just got this same e-mail from Jackie Nunez. What got me is the $30/hr there are no jobs paying that much. Too good to be true!
Tuesday December 10, 2013 @ 01:07 AM
To mymupeta[at]yahoo.com,guguboy2006[at]gmail.com
Dec 7 at 7:53 AM
ID: - LSLCA/2031 / 8161/05
Lot No: R4/A313/2-60 12/07/2013
How are you today hope you are fine? Thank you very much for your prompt and keen interest Respond in our company We are located in the UK and we have a branch in Also Malaysia.So you are looking for an Honest, trust worthy staff who can act as our representative in ZAMBIA for the purpose of Receiving payment from our customers That we will be supplying our products to the company in ZAMBIA You are Entitled to 10% of each payment received by each of our clients and $ 3,000 USD as your monthly salary.Also note you do not need to undergo training for this work as Their Duties will receive the lump sum, and is a long- term, if you're just honest with my company. But before you can begin to carry out its functions as are Necessary to Fulfill Their CV or to fill this information below so you can follow forward: Full Name: .................. ............ Age: ............. ................. Full address: .............................. . mail address: .............................. Phone: .......... .................... Country: ............................ .. ............. Postal ................................................. .. State .................................................. Occupation .................... ............................. await your urgent reply. Thanks. Greetings,
Phone: +447752333255
Friday October 14, 2011 @ 10:50 AM
Hey there guys, leave the money in your account for two weeks to see if it's actually cleared through BACs. Sometime banks will give you access to money that hasn't actually cleared as a gratis especially if it's a large sum of money. the company are probably asking you to transfer money that isnt there so when you with draw it from your bank and pay it forward through western union money transfer the payment initially sent to your bank gets revoked and leaves you in debt after you've sent the money. I've looked at the recruitment website and the finance website and neither of them actually have a contact us part on the website. the next time that you are sceptical of a job opportunity check to see if there is a contact us section. most scammers will exclude this on their website. If the money is still in your bank account after two weeks, contact the authorities fraud department and they can trace down the faudsters IP address to try and catch them. the mpney will be held and after a certain amount of time if it's origin is not found out you should be allowed to keep it. I hope this helps.