Job Scam: Exclusive, Inc Scam - Administrative Assistant
Posted by TJ on Thursday July 23, 2009 @ 11:14 AM
[Tags: scam, internet, business]
Note: This is part 17 in the Job Scam Series.
This is a new being sent in reply to ads placed on Craigslist. Give thanks to Tiesha Star for sending this one in.
Avoid any association with this scam and do not respond to any emails from Exclusive Inc.
Do not cash any checks received from the this "job". They are fake or fraudulent and if deposited will be subtracted from your bank balance once the fraud is discovered.
If you received another job scam featuring another company please forward the email to
How do I spot a job scam?
1.) The message is for a position that you did not apply for
2.) The message is from or asking for a reply to an email address from a free email provider (ie:,,
3.)The position is for a work at home job. Let's get real here most of these positions are hard to come by.
4.) The message provides no phone and/or no mailing address
5.) The company does not have a website or the website was created in the last year. Do a whois lookup to see when a domain was created.
6.) The job has few qualifications
7.) The message is written with poor english
8.) A Google search for the company finds little or no history for the company
9.) The email fails to mention you by name. Starts off with generic opening (ie: Dear job seeker, Dear applicant).
*** This list is not all inclusive. Remember if you have to ask yourself if it's a scam it probably is!
What should I do if I provided my information to scammers?
These people are so dumb they use a standard email template for scams and forgot to change the company name from another scam "Wagner Mill Inc." to "Exclusive, Inc."
If you received this please post a comment so I know posting these warnings are useful.
[Tags: scam, internet, business]
This is a new being sent in reply to ads placed on Craigslist. Give thanks to Tiesha Star for sending this one in.
Avoid any association with this scam and do not respond to any emails from Exclusive Inc.
Do not cash any checks received from the this "job". They are fake or fraudulent and if deposited will be subtracted from your bank balance once the fraud is discovered.
If you received another job scam featuring another company please forward the email to

How do I spot a job scam?
1.) The message is for a position that you did not apply for
2.) The message is from or asking for a reply to an email address from a free email provider (ie:,,
3.)The position is for a work at home job. Let's get real here most of these positions are hard to come by.
4.) The message provides no phone and/or no mailing address
5.) The company does not have a website or the website was created in the last year. Do a whois lookup to see when a domain was created.
6.) The job has few qualifications
7.) The message is written with poor english
8.) A Google search for the company finds little or no history for the company
9.) The email fails to mention you by name. Starts off with generic opening (ie: Dear job seeker, Dear applicant).
*** This list is not all inclusive. Remember if you have to ask yourself if it's a scam it probably is!
What should I do if I provided my information to scammers?
- Do not respond to further communications.
- Do not cash any checks you received from fraudulent offer.
- If you sent bank Information: Call your bank immediately and tell them what happened. They should be able to change your account number or cancel your account.
- If you are still concerned you might want to enroll in credit monitoring such as LifeLock Identity Theft Prevention
- You can also file a claim with The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). They are probably overloaded with these types of claim though, so I would not expect an individual response. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau or your states attorney general's office
- Post a comment below with any information you have on this scam to inform other people to try and avoid any future victims. Post the email you received with exact wording if different from original posted so when people search for terms they find this warning. said:
From: Eric Dennis>
Subject: Re: Administrative Assistant
Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 8:33 PM
Reference No: - LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 HO Ref:99645
Batch No: - R4/A313/2-60 Port
Application No: LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 FCO Number: 812374
Respondent: Recruiting Officer
Dear Applicant
We received your resume and your application on Craigslist on the july of this year but we are really sorry to inform you that this Position as been filled, it is no more available. Our HR Managers have gone through your resume and due to some certain factors you have been picked as one of our possible candidate
to be one of our Accounts Payable Specialist which is the post That is available right now.
We strive to ensure quality from crop to counter.
end, Exclusive inc. requires the highest standards and
specifications, not just for product ingredients; every detail of production, transport, delivery, preparation and service is Also exhaustively monitored.
A focus on quality permeates every aspect of the business.
Exclusive inc. standards lead the food industry, and we
continue to work with government and health officials to Investigate improvements.
Exclusive inc. also recognize the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle and continues to seek quality new products Which satisfy customers expectations for taste and value? We Are independent and privately owned.
We serve the entire United States, Your primary task for now, as an Accounts Payable Specialist of this company is to coordinate payments from clients and help us with the payment Process. You are not involved in any marketing. You would be responsible for receiving payments after we have offered our
professional services to our numerous clients. After this has been done the customer has to pay for the service but in most Cases we make our clients prepay for services. About 90 percent of our clients prefer to pay through Certified Checks or Money Orders drawn from the United State based on the amount Involved. We have decided to open this new contract -to-hire
job position for solving this problem pending the time that we Will open a branch office in this state.
Your First Primary task (Collection of Payments):
1. Receive payment from our Customers or Clients.
2. Cash Payment at your Bank.
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to, you have a lot of free time doing another job, because this job is part Time, you'll get good income. But this job is very challenging And you should understand it. We are considering your application because you satisfy our requirements and we are sure you will be an earnest assistant till we start running our Branch office in your state.
-You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent
Contractor right from your home office.
-Your job is absolutely legal.
-You can earn up to 3000-4000 dollars monthly depending on time you Will spend for this job. You do not need any capital to start.
-You can do the Work easily without leaving or affecting your present Job. The employees who make efforts and work hard have A strong possibility to become managers. Anyway our employees Never leave us. But the problem we have is trust but we hope we Can trust you.
Get back to us with the requirements below if you are
interested so that we can add your mailing address to our Regional database and forward it to our customers for them to Send payments after conducting background checks.
Full Names_______________
Mailing Address (Not P. O Box) _________________
City__ ___________________
Postal Code______________
Phone Number____________________
Email Address____________________
Marital Status___________
Send the requirements we asked for to this email address We are not asking for your bank info neither are we asking for your social security number, we are only asking for the name of Your bank and that is all.
Your response to this email is needed, so that we can
reconfirm your mailing address details we have in our
We will be updating you as soon as the payment is being sent to you and you will be directed as to where to have the remaining 90% of the money sent to, after the deduction of your 10% pay On any payments received and processed by you.
A swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this email will be Appreciated.
Thanks For Your Total Understanding and Moral cooperation.
Wagner Mill Inc. is an equal opportunity employer!
I can best be contacted by email as I am on computer every time.
I will be expecting your respones
Eric Dennis
Recruiting Officer
Exclusive inc
From: Eric Dennis
Subject: Re: Administrative Assistant
Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 8:33 PM
Reference No: - LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 HO Ref:99645
Batch No: - R4/A313/2-60 Port
Application No: LSLCA/2031/ 8161/05 FCO Number: 812374
Respondent: Recruiting Officer
Dear Applicant
We received your resume and your application on Craigslist on the july of this year but we are really sorry to inform you that this Position as been filled, it is no more available. Our HR Managers have gone through your resume and due to some certain factors you have been picked as one of our possible candidate
to be one of our Accounts Payable Specialist which is the post That is available right now.
We strive to ensure quality from crop to counter.
end, Exclusive inc. requires the highest standards and
specifications, not just for product ingredients; every detail of production, transport, delivery, preparation and service is Also exhaustively monitored.
A focus on quality permeates every aspect of the business.
Exclusive inc. standards lead the food industry, and we
continue to work with government and health officials to Investigate improvements.
Exclusive inc. also recognize the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle and continues to seek quality new products Which satisfy customers expectations for taste and value? We Are independent and privately owned.
We serve the entire United States, Your primary task for now, as an Accounts Payable Specialist of this company is to coordinate payments from clients and help us with the payment Process. You are not involved in any marketing. You would be responsible for receiving payments after we have offered our
professional services to our numerous clients. After this has been done the customer has to pay for the service but in most Cases we make our clients prepay for services. About 90 percent of our clients prefer to pay through Certified Checks or Money Orders drawn from the United State based on the amount Involved. We have decided to open this new contract -to-hire
job position for solving this problem pending the time that we Will open a branch office in this state.
Your First Primary task (Collection of Payments):
1. Receive payment from our Customers or Clients.
2. Cash Payment at your Bank.
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to, you have a lot of free time doing another job, because this job is part Time, you'll get good income. But this job is very challenging And you should understand it. We are considering your application because you satisfy our requirements and we are sure you will be an earnest assistant till we start running our Branch office in your state.
-You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent
Contractor right from your home office.
-Your job is absolutely legal.
-You can earn up to 3000-4000 dollars monthly depending on time you Will spend for this job. You do not need any capital to start.
-You can do the Work easily without leaving or affecting your present Job. The employees who make efforts and work hard have A strong possibility to become managers. Anyway our employees Never leave us. But the problem we have is trust but we hope we Can trust you.
Get back to us with the requirements below if you are
interested so that we can add your mailing address to our Regional database and forward it to our customers for them to Send payments after conducting background checks.
Full Names_______________
Mailing Address (Not P. O Box) _________________
City__ ___________________
Postal Code______________
Phone Number____________________
Email Address____________________
Marital Status___________
Send the requirements we asked for to this email address We are not asking for your bank info neither are we asking for your social security number, we are only asking for the name of Your bank and that is all.
Your response to this email is needed, so that we can
reconfirm your mailing address details we have in our
We will be updating you as soon as the payment is being sent to you and you will be directed as to where to have the remaining 90% of the money sent to, after the deduction of your 10% pay On any payments received and processed by you.
A swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this email will be Appreciated.
Thanks For Your Total Understanding and Moral cooperation.
Wagner Mill Inc. is an equal opportunity employer!
I can best be contacted by email as I am on computer every time.
I will be expecting your respones
Eric Dennis
Recruiting Officer
Exclusive inc
These people are so dumb they use a standard email template for scams and forgot to change the company name from another scam "Wagner Mill Inc." to "Exclusive, Inc."
If you received this please post a comment so I know posting these warnings are useful.
- Related Articles:
- PHC consulting Careers are a scam
- Job Scam: Marathon Oil U.K. Ltd Account Clerk Position
- Craigslist Job Scam: iZZi Computers
Reader Comments (Page 6 of 6)
Monday April 18, 2016 @ 12:11 AM
Monday April 18, 2016 @ 12:11 AM
You have the monopoly on useful inreimatron-afon't monopolies illegal? ;)
Comments with offensive language will be automatically deleted within 24 hours.
Tuesday January 14, 2014 @ 11:47 AM
I actually got the same email from Jackie Nunez. I thought it was legit since I've been applying to so many jobs on multiple websites. I thought it wasn't a scam since they used my first and last name in the intro and stated that I had applied on Indeed (also they had a website). I went through with the interview questionnaire. I spent about 3 hours reviewing my responses and crafting my answers. Sent it in on Fri [at] 12 pm. Got a response email from Jackie Nunez at 9:40 am 1/14/14:
Hello _________ ______________,
Your application is successful. The Quality of your resume and response to the questionnaire was highly considered by the Board before you were selected. You start up firstly with the training process which would last for a week and then full start-up. This is just a formal mail to inform you that you have been selected for this Job and to get ready for start up. Appointment letter and others would be mailed to the address you will provide to us and will be delivered next week after the test of duty/Trust. Now let me give you insight to the Job in question, your duties,benefits and how to get started.
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Working from one of our small office which we are still setting up with the company's provided computer is a broad expatiation's of how the online duty is performed working from our office. You are required to use the equipment's because there is a wide range of software installed on the system to protect data, ease duty, also enhance speed and accuracy of duty online. The Company's equipment that would be shipped to you are liable to be yours as ( Ownership ) after a period of 2 months of working with the Company.
We are not deducting funds from your payroll for Taxes, all Our Online staffs are expected to complete their taxes forms after payroll by themselves.
The Company is running the Online Recruiting as a Permanent measure towards the completion of our Centers around United states Of America. So, most of our online staffs would have the first hand opportunity to apply to become permanent staff when these centers are opened. So i can assure you that you have been offered a great opportunity to perform giving your best to performing Law Firms Data Entry (Data Entry Clerk) duties in exchange for a good pay.
The company's website is under a URL change and it involves a very high re-organizational process that involves bringing all our online staffs to log-on to the same Network Online with their staff ID. As soon as the website is launched within the next 10 business days then each online staffs can have a log on ID/Password to get access to their duties online while still communicating with their supervisors. When our website is back online, I will personally let you know and the Position come with benefits. Everything is listed on Law Firms Data Entry Website. You can go to Careers to read it and It's a permanent position and our outlet to be established within the next 2 month. It's a full time permanent position not temporary
****************************** ****************************** *******************
****************************** ****************************** *******************
Please provide answers to the following schedule so we could update your folder on the Data Entry Clerk.
1. How many hours are you willing to Work per day?
2. What time range.( Morning Section 8am-1noon or Afternoon section 2pm-5:30pm)?
3. Payroll Interval. ( Weekly or Bi-weekly ) ?
4. The Name of your Bank?
5. Payroll Method . (Check or direct deposit)
6. Does your phone received text message for updates
Basically before you get started, the company would be providing you with funds to purchase some important software required for the duty in question and then you will be receiving equipment's from the Company. Dell Laptop Pentium D Duo Processor , All in one Printer, Scanner and Fax Machine with a wide range of software already installed on the system. All of the necessary equipment you need in getting started. Law Firms Data Entry, will be sending it to you
You will be supplied the list of the materials as you will be using them in our new office that will be setup in your area. You will be needing the following working materials for the new office you will be working:
* Pisa 71 Desk + Return
* Document Scanner
* Business card Scanner
* Clippers
* Stamplers
* Adding Machines
* HP Officejet Pro 276dw Multifunction Printer
* Shredder
* HP Spectre XT 13t-2100 Ultrabook
* Disc copying equipment
* Typewriters
* Types of office software
* Multi-line phone system
* File Storage Box
* MacBook Pro with Retina display (15-inch: 2.4GHz),Printer, Scanner, Fax and Photocopier Machine( 4 in 1).
* Lenovo ThinkPad T400s Notebook,Dell E6400 XFR, HP EliteBook 8770w.
* Microsoft® Office 2013 and Microsoft Operating Systems (Service Pack 3)
* Mini-Office Stationeries.
****************************** ****************************** **********
****************************** ****************************** **********
Test of duty/trust would involve you handling funds on behalf of the company to purchase the needed software and also to handle the shipment of your mini office equipment. The test of duty/ trust is your first call to duty,this will be your first assignment before you begin your training, you will be receiving a payment from the company shortly and would be required to follow proper directions, accurate deduction and documentation is expected from you. This would be the only payment you would be required to handle on your own before your duty commences.
IMPORTANT : Make sure you send your contact details,and your answer to the payroll questions, The company will be the one to purchase all the equipment's for you. So that it can be forwarded to the company's accounting department for processing,also for you to be able to receive your test of duty/trust package. You will NOT spend any of your own money to start in this position and everything you need will be provided by the company
Details should be sent in the format below :
Your full name : .....
Age : .....
Gender : .....
Address : ..... Not P.O Box
City : .....
State : .....
Zip Code : .....
CELL PHONE : .....
HOME PHONE : .....
Email : .....
I look forward to working with you as an online staff. *Details above is Important* for you to get a Law Firms Data Entry Company ID Card
Kind Regards,
Jackie Nunez
Office (716) 241-1810
Head of Personnel Management
Resource for Online Staffs
Company Name : Law Firms Data Entry
BEWARE of these people, they almost had me. Alarms went off b/c I didn't receive a phone call from them at any point. This is a well paying position and you're willing to send me a large amount of money, but have not even spoken to me on the phone. When you google them nothing much comes up, which leads you to believe its not a scam.