
Saying God Blessing You after every time a coworker sneezes?
Posted by TJ on Friday July 17, 2009 @ 12:27 PM
[Tags: business, thoughts, rant]

How many people say "God Bless you" after every time someone sneezes in their office? For me this is just way to overboard and thankfully my whole office has taken this stance. I mean I never understood the whole concept anyway. I think I read that the whole bless you mess arouse from the idea that with a sneeze you let evil spirits out of your system... Well shouldn't someone blessing me then? Now I have to deal with your evil spirits and your evil germs? Shouldn't I plead out "God bless ME" instead?

I have a feeling those people who do bless every office sneeze are just those that are bored at work and take a sneeze as a way to start conversation.

Update: Added poll

Do you bless your coworker everytime they sneeze?

My coworkers don't sneeze

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