Hillbilly Funny Status Messages
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in 1964 the wage was 5 silver quarters. Today 5 silver quarters are worth $15.50. We dont need to raise the wage, but to fix our money.
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08-29-2017 19:25 by hillbilly
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Socialism works so well, people build boats from trash to escape it.
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08-29-2017 19:23 by Hillbilly
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If health care is a right then why don't I have the right to refuse it with. That is the different between a Right and a law boys and girls
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07-24-2017 19:12 by Hillbilly
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Woman cradles and protects child. Man carries and protects both. This is how it ought to be, despite what your gender studies professor says.
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08-30-2017 15:20 by Hillbilly
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According to a RAND study from June 2016,. The researchers concluded that these treatments would increase health care costs for active-duty service members by $2.4 million and $8.4 million annually, Have to make obamacare cuts somewhere.
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07-26-2017 19:05 by Hillbilly
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Fun Fact: The 2nd amendment is why we have the other 26 amendments
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03-24-2018 16:03 by Hillbilly
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Those NK missles all have "Thanks Bill" stickers on the side.
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07-30-2017 21:02 by Hillbilly
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If trump doesnt go to texas he is heartless, if he does go, he is taking valueable resources. I'm telling you it is a mental disorder.
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08-29-2017 19:10 by Hillbilly
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Pro-Trump Girl’s Hair Set On Fire By Anti-Trump Protester At Women’s March. Lib posterchild.
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06-10-2017 21:19 by Hillbilly
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Anti hate groups protest hate groups for wanting to take away people's rights, by taking away their rights. That kids is a mental illness.
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08-14-2017 19:58 by Hillbilly
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CNN money reported that the places trump won, represents 71% of the income tax from middle and lower class. L1bs hate them because they have a work ethic.
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08-29-2017 23:36 by Hillbilly
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I don't mean to sound raci$t but two men should never get married!
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08-03-2018 00:45 by hillbilly
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Hate group gets permit to protest. Anti hate group does not get permit to protest. But the hate group is the criminals for obeying the law.
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08-14-2017 20:00 by Hillbilly
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Why are people talking about Trump and hurricane Harvey, when they are not blasting Obama for Katrina. Am I right?
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08-30-2017 23:32 by Hillbilly
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Government should give us all free healthcare, it is our right.. This same government that has had a cure for cancer since the 60's, and still keeps it outlawed.
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07-25-2017 07:24 by Hillbilly
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We cannot be a country that listens to science. Science does not make sense at all.
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10-19-2020 14:04 by hillbilly
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Who hates the trumps, especially the first lady? Google Lynn Yaeger. WOW I feel sad for her
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08-30-2017 11:58 by Hillbilly
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