DooDoo Funny Status Messages
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That awkward moment when a stranger asks to borrow your cell to make a quick call. No good reason to say NO, but in your head you're thinking of every excuse in the book. "Sorry, I work for the FBI and cant allow any unauthorized person to use my phone."
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06-09-2011 11:35 by DooDoo
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it just me or do women's sunglasses get bigger and bigger and bigger?!? Relax with those things, eventually we have to see your face with your colored contacts and fake eye lashes.
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04-29-2011 13:02 by DooDoo
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Thank goodness the weather has gotten nice for once. I was getting sick of hearing people complain about the cold. Now I'm ready for people to start complaining about it being too hot. Whine people....whine!!
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04-20-2011 14:55 by DooDoo
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Im all about recycling and this green movement and all but I just read that my new boxer briefs were made from 100% recycled materials. Yea, can they not do that....
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06-13-2011 12:47 by DooDoo
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I dont know what you're doing, but I'm watching Fox News waiting for them to find a way to blame Obama for the earthquake...
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08-23-2011 14:06 by DooDoo
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Tech has ruined my ability to spell! Now when I'm typing a multi-syllable word & that red squiggly line DOESNT appear, I start questioning the intellect of my computer. Saying I just assume the spelling of that word is wrong, so wheres the red oh wise one
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07-11-2011 12:35 by DooDoo
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What kind of president would Donald Trump be? A combination of George Bush, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Bernie Madoff.
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04-28-2011 15:40 by DooDoo
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The only thing worse than having to sit through countless worthless commercials is remembering that you're watching a recorded program but not until after watching back to back menopause commercials.
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07-12-2011 15:58 by DooDoo
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I knew someone would have to do it but I didn't know it would be someone so famous! Amy Winehouse had to take her own life just so people on fbook would talk about something other than the weather! You all are to blame for this!!
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07-23-2011 13:41 by DooDoo
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Im sure the bachelor party for this royal wedding crap was insane and there were lots of strippers!! But if you think about it, its kinda creepy. Could you imagine "making it rain" all over the strippers with your grandmothers face on it...
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04-27-2011 21:38 by DooDoo
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Looking forward to the royal divorce.
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04-29-2011 17:00 by DooDoo
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I never realized how many people I know that cared about Britney Spears's sister...
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07-05-2011 18:07 by DooDoo
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...that uncomfortable moment after you call your girlfriend the wrong name.
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07-18-2011 13:27 by DooDoo
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