SEAN Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Congrats to Jay Cutler, soon to be Dad... Just goes to show that he cant get protection on or off the field.
←Rate | 01-24-2012 17:33 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon "I bet you I can get people to buy the shirt from a game they don't even know how to play." -Ralph Lauren
←Rate | 03-29-2013 10:58 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I made cars I'd put an inflatable shark in place of an airbag in 1 out of every 100 cars just for fun.
←Rate | 12-08-2012 10:00 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon A source says Snooki is pregnant and the Republican candidates suddenly switch their stance on abortion.
←Rate | 03-01-2012 15:30 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm going to start carrying fireworks in my car because sometimes my horn just isn't enough
←Rate | 02-08-2012 15:25 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just once I'd like a doctor to tell me I'm not getting enough beer in my diet.
←Rate | 01-22-2015 11:15 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon "Are you even listening to me?" is a weird way for my wife to start a conversation.
←Rate | 09-27-2014 15:36 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Found an old playboy from the 70's last night, I wonder why they didnt call it hair club for men...
←Rate | 04-19-2012 09:46 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm not one to brag about my Press exposure but yes, it's true what they're saying in my local paper. I am selling my couch
←Rate | 11-01-2011 16:12 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon No one will think you're boring if you walk around all day wearing a deployed parachute
←Rate | 04-11-2014 15:42 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon the good news is the doctor says I'm healthy as a horse, the bad news is she still uses large farm animals to describe me....
←Rate | 02-29-2016 06:33 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon It takes all of my self control for me not to write, "you sure about that?" under Facebook engagement announcements.
←Rate | 09-06-2013 09:01 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hunters, you shouldn't wear camo you should dress like cars. Deer will walk toward you and hope you kill them.
←Rate | 06-19-2012 08:42 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon So if Bruce/Catline Jenner goes missing, will they put the picture on a carton of Half & Half?
←Rate | 07-22-2015 10:19 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon I bet cats are mad they can’t sit on televisions anymore.
←Rate | 03-05-2013 08:45 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon FYI- Clear plastic bra straps make you look like you're stuffed in a 6-pack ring.
←Rate | 04-03-2013 08:11 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't sign anything without pretending to read it first.
←Rate | 09-06-2013 09:08 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon My ex offered me a ride to the appointment, I declined and politely told her that I didn't think we would both fit on her broom...
←Rate | 10-19-2011 08:46 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Recent statistics show that 5 out of 6 people enjoy Russian Roulette
←Rate | 05-31-2013 15:31 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon ‎20 years from now, some adults are going to say they grew up on the "bad part of town," meaning there was no 4G in that area.
←Rate | 11-18-2011 14:56 by SEAN Comments (0)  

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