Goodeolboy Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak?
←Rate | 10-13-2010 00:52 by goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon pretending he is driving on a dirt road in Hazzard county..Yee-Hawww!
←Rate | 10-13-2010 23:55 by goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon As cold as it is outside, today might be a good day to double-up on my underwear.
←Rate | 11-17-2011 10:32 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Every thing I know about politics, I learned from School House Rocks.
←Rate | 04-13-2011 13:18 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Try and find me now Sucka!- bread tie
←Rate | 04-24-2012 23:48 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm not one to judge Brotha, but that white tailgate on your black truck screams "salvage title".
←Rate | 06-04-2014 20:51 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hey McDonald's, here's an add to fire back at Taco Bell: Eat at McDonald's, you won't sh.. your pants. -your welcome.
←Rate | 03-29-2014 10:24 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon We can get a man to the moon, but somehow we can't manufacture the head of a car wash broom to stay on....
←Rate | 04-29-2011 19:52 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Contrary to popular belief, "Puppy Pimps" is not a good name for a dog breeder.
←Rate | 02-02-2012 13:05 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Life before the computer punchline(see above 3): And if you had a 3 1/2 inch hoped nobody found out.
←Rate | 10-12-2010 00:49 by goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon I now have a strong dislike for Illinois, Kansas, and Maryland. Maybe if we're lucky they cheated like on Willy Wonka!!!
←Rate | 03-31-2012 09:59 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon When you live in the country as I do, the term "prosecuted" translates to "shot".
←Rate | 12-13-2011 13:16 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Had I had access to a smartphone growing up, I probably would have had an album titled "School Bus Window Artwork"
←Rate | 04-17-2015 10:03 by Goodeolboy Comments (2)  

   messageicon Safety glasses? On this jobsite, we squint for safety!!
←Rate | 05-10-2012 08:42 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Crushed ice, needs to be placed higher on a pedastool.
←Rate | 03-20-2012 15:33 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dear Tylenol, as a Father, I can respect the fact that you make your products child-proof. However, as a consumer with a splitting headache, I hate your fricken guts 'cause I can't open the damn packet with my fingers...
←Rate | 10-26-2012 01:35 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon On this night 30 years ago, I found out that wrecking on roller skates while wearing parachute pants was no bueno.
←Rate | 11-22-2013 16:01 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Going half way across the state this morning, and you know what that means...this truck is now a rolling karaoke machine.
←Rate | 04-27-2012 11:46 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sweet Lord Almighty, thanks to this European Satellite that fell on top of my trailer, I can now cancel Direct Tv
←Rate | 11-10-2013 17:54 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

   messageicon So proud of my lil' hound dog. Taught Her to sit and lay down on command in less than five minutes. With treats of course. Just that much closer to the final lesson of Go fetch Daddy a beer!
←Rate | 12-15-2011 01:47 by Goodeolboy Comments (0)  

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