Will Funny Status Messages
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Don't you just love nature? Dispite what it did to your face.
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01-28-2011 10:29 by Will
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Efficiency is a highly developed form of laziness.
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01-25-2011 19:07 by Will
Comments (6)

My mom always said kill them with kindness, but for you I'm getting my gun!
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01-29-2011 18:46 by Will
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1:00 in the afternoon and no one is on xbox live? What do people have to do this early in the morning that's sooo important you can't play call of duty?
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05-19-2011 14:19 by Will
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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
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01-10-2011 21:48 by Will
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You are such a good friend that if we were on a sinking ship together and there was only one life jacket... I'd miss you alot and think of you often.
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01-11-2011 11:12 by Will
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Work would be so much better if there was nap time, recess, and gym.
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02-13-2011 00:25 by Will
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I personally know that being stupid is its own reward
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01-27-2011 14:08 by Will
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Every day, man is making bigger and better fool-proof things, and every day, nature is making bigger and better fools. So far, I think nature is winning.
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01-25-2011 17:50 by Will
Comments (7)

I'll call the people I see at work "coworkers" as soon as they start doing some work.
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01-29-2011 19:15 by Will
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Worse thing about having a couple ex's in group of friends. I always have to check the attending list on Facebook events before confirming.
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07-23-2011 01:03 by Will
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My son finally found out Santa isn't real, but he claims he heard footsteps on the roof the last couple years on Christmas. This year instead of leaving cookies and sleeping, he's going to sit on the roof with a shotgun.
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12-24-2010 06:46 by Will
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We have all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the internet, we know this is not true.
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01-25-2011 17:21 by Will
Comments (2)

I love snow it can make the dirtiest ghetto look clean.
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01-31-2011 19:28 by Will
Comments (1)

Life's a b!tch, because if it were a slut, it'd be easy.
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01-25-2011 16:35 by Will
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I'm so good at sleeping I could do it with my eyes closed
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01-05-2011 10:11 by Will
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Thinks that if someone says plz because it's shorter than please, you should say no because it's shorter than yes.
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01-28-2011 23:40 by Will
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Angry Birds is going to be turned into an animated series. If it's anything like the game an episode will be 30 seconds long, played 20 times in a row, and sure to piss people off.
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01-21-2011 08:09 by Will
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I went fishing for bottom feeders yesterday, and caught a R0unders!
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01-27-2011 20:17 by Will
Comments (5)

You are the kind of a person that we could use as a blueprint to build an idiot.
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01-26-2011 07:08 by Will
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