SeaN Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Men look at boobs for the same reason women look at puppies in a cage, we just want to set them free...
←Rate | 01-17-2013 11:07 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon My favorite Lil Wayne song is the one where he sounds like a confused 8 year old with aspergers reading the list of toppings at Cold Stone.
←Rate | 01-11-2013 11:39 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Two things you should never do to a woman is lie to them and be completely honest with them.
←Rate | 01-11-2013 11:38 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Refrigerator ice dispensers are perfect for those times when you need either zero or 5000 ice cubes.
←Rate | 01-11-2013 11:37 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Pinterest lets people know things you like. For example… if you’re a man and you pin something, it lets people know you like men.
←Rate | 01-11-2013 11:36 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Saw a beautiful set of teeth in Walmart tonight. Unfortunately they weren't all in the same mouth.
←Rate | 01-11-2013 11:34 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Country music was much better back when they sang about murdering people all the time
←Rate | 01-11-2013 11:34 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Heard Bill Clinton on the radio, someone asked how his wife's head was, couldnt help but think probably not as good as Monica's..
←Rate | 01-08-2013 07:34 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Lots of soul-searching in the pro-life community now that Kim Kardashian is pregnant with Kanye West's baby.
←Rate | 01-04-2013 08:32 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon My 2013 resolution is for everyone else to gain 50 pounds.
←Rate | 01-04-2013 08:30 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon You know there's an easy way to deal with cyber-bullies: Turn off the computer and go crush his hands with a meat mallet.
←Rate | 01-04-2013 08:27 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon 3 things in this world scare me: 1. scorpions 2. jellyfish 3. streets named after civil rights leaders at night.
←Rate | 12-18-2012 16:28 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm not sure if people stopped saying "yolo" or everyone that said "yolo" has died.
←Rate | 12-18-2012 16:25 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Next time a dude says "Pictures or it didn't happen", punch them in the throat, take a pic, and tell a story about a guy you throat punched.
←Rate | 12-18-2012 16:25 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon what do you do with 365 used condoms, melt them down and call it a goodyear...
←Rate | 12-10-2012 16:14 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon An ATM machine that gives you a hug and whispers 'Everything will be ok' into your ear when you check your account balance would be AWESOME!
←Rate | 12-08-2012 10:04 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon "You'll be hearing from my attorney!" Is usually what I tell random strangers leaving a public restroom.
←Rate | 12-08-2012 10:02 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I made cars I'd put an inflatable shark in place of an airbag in 1 out of every 100 cars just for fun.
←Rate | 12-08-2012 10:00 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon So, you're telling me my credit score should have three digits?
←Rate | 12-08-2012 09:57 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon This girl on Facebook is dying her hair blonde tonight. Omg she's nervous, you guys.
←Rate | 12-08-2012 09:57 by SEAN Comments (0)  

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