SeaN Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon I don't understand why I get strange looks from dudes at the gym when I ask'em to spot me. Not my fault I can't reach my back in the shower.
←Rate | 06-27-2013 08:28 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon No one is as ugly as their drivers license pic or as hot as their Facebook profile pic.
←Rate | 06-13-2013 09:12 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon I bet the worst part about being single is knowing that even Hitler found someone who loved him.
←Rate | 06-13-2013 09:11 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Nothing is impossible. I know a man that once guessed correctly why a woman was mad at him.
←Rate | 06-13-2013 09:10 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Facebook is not so bad once you block your family and friends.
←Rate | 06-13-2013 09:09 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Chris Brown is adding vocals from Aaliyah to his new song. Congratulations on making a plane crash the 2nd worst thing to happen to Aaliyah.
←Rate | 06-04-2013 14:14 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm glad Lassie wasnt my dog. I just want to watch TV, I don't want to be constantly rescuing people.
←Rate | 06-04-2013 14:12 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Every cab is the cash cab if you've got a gun.
←Rate | 06-04-2013 14:11 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon My wife's like a Magic 8-ball. If you keep shaking her, She will eventually give you the answer you want.
←Rate | 06-04-2013 14:10 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm not just hungry...I'm Oprah hungry.....
←Rate | 05-31-2013 15:33 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Recent statistics show that 5 out of 6 people enjoy Russian Roulette
←Rate | 05-31-2013 15:31 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon The saddest bachelor parties are the ones where they didn't realize the girl goes in the cake AFTER it's baked.
←Rate | 05-31-2013 15:30 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Apparently a good way to get asked to leave the gym is to move a treadmill behind a guy on a stationary bike and pretend you're angrily chasing him.
←Rate | 05-31-2013 15:29 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon The next Fast and the Furious should just be two hours of a guy doing steroids inside of a Nissan Cube.
←Rate | 05-28-2013 14:57 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon If you think women are the weaker sex, try pulling the blankets back to your side in the middle of the night...
←Rate | 05-28-2013 14:54 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Those fake living rooms at IKEA should have a couple in them trying to assemble IKEA furniture and fighting.
←Rate | 05-28-2013 14:53 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon What I’m really looking for in a friend is loyalty. And a pool. Mainly just a pool.
←Rate | 05-28-2013 14:52 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon My wife just asked me if I noticed anything different about her hair, so took the easy way out and did a triple backflip into a volcano.
←Rate | 05-28-2013 14:52 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon Im not saying you are a $lut but you were fired from the $perm bank for drinking on the job.......
←Rate | 05-10-2013 09:59 by SEAN Comments (0)  

   messageicon A fun thing to do to a friend that was drinking and driving is to put a sneaker on the windshield wiper the next morning.
←Rate | 05-10-2013 09:27 by SEAN Comments (0)  

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