MDS Funny Status Messages
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The US is ranked 25th in math scores...this isn't any surprise to me, our elected leaders can't even ballance a budget.
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04-23-2012 07:27 by MDS
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the fact that she loves anal is awesome...I just wish she'd layoff the hot peppers!
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04-23-2012 14:58 by MDS
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gave my wife a Klondike bar...still waiting to see what she's going to do
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05-08-2012 21:15 by MDS
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...I'm begining to think my Amish friend isn't going to text me.
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05-15-2012 19:23 by MDS
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it's funny how gas can drop $10.00 a barrel and the price at the pump stays the same for a week or so, but if it goes up a dollar the price at the pump jumps right away.. that's just F'd up, if you ask me.
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05-25-2012 04:04 by MDS
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Men have "The Man Cave", but, when polled what the female version should be called the #1 answer was "The Maxie Pad" with "The Kitchen" and "The Laundry Room" coming in 2nd and 3rd respectively
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07-03-2012 10:29 by MDS
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Remember the theme song from the Adams family?.. trust me, you will all day ;) dabba-da-bump *snap*snap
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10-19-2012 08:00 by MDS
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*ATTENTION* I have a copy of tomorrows newspaper complete with sports scores, police blotters, and other interesting facts!.. I'm selling this for $352.83 a true bargain!! I can deliver the newspaper anytime tomorrow after 9:00 am
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10-29-2012 17:20 by MDS
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Today when you are looking at your pay-stub, keep in mind that the 48 million people on welfare like you!!
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11-02-2012 07:42 by MDS
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It's a well known fact... buying cheap toilet-paper can lead to a self violation.
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11-30-2012 08:13 by MDS
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..nothing up here, try further down the page.
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01-05-2013 10:28 by MDS
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When this Ho on Maury found out that the 36th dude tested wasn't the Father, she ran so far backstage, I flipped the Channel and she was running across the set of ESPN!
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01-09-2013 10:54 by MDS
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Waking up to Monday is kinda like the Mayans being right.
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01-14-2013 07:30 by MDS
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There is a photo of Obama circulating around FB showing how much he's grayed over the past 4 years since becoming president.. It's hard to believe that one man could age so much worrying about his next round of golf.
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01-28-2013 22:13 by MDS
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I walked out to get the newspaper this morning and the neighbor had already picked his up.
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02-10-2013 08:21 by MDS
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Good thing it's Valentines day, cause I woke up with a massive heart on!
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02-14-2013 07:43 by MDS
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It's the little things in life that matter the most... for instance the refrigerator light, helping you to see that last beer way in the back!
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02-21-2013 07:49 by MDS
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So, I've noticed that your superpower is the ability to create drama out of absolutely nothing.
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03-08-2013 08:20 by MDS
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Justin Bieber's music is actually really good!...Once you turn the volume down all the way.
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04-07-2013 18:20 by MDS
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I took a sexual harassment course this afternoon ....I think I'm gonna be pretty good at it.
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04-08-2013 15:19 by MDS
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