Thomasville Sucks
1.) Poor after purchase support - I called Thomasville 2 weeks after my order to check on shipment. Well the first problem I ran into was the only person who will handle your inquiries is the sales person originally handled your order. Now this would be a great, since it would mean that you deal with the same person and get things done. However after two calls over two weeks in which the operater said I would receive a call right back, the sales person failed to call me back, and I never was able to get in touch with them. I finally demanded an update from the office in which they said shipment wouldn't arrive until the end of February which was after the original schedule shipment date.
2.) Extremely long delivery time I purchased my furniture 1/10/09 and did not receive my last piece of furniture until March 21, 2010. When I bought the furniture salesman said I would receive everything in order by middle of February.
3.) Unable to honor deliveries schedule - After my long wait the delivery company finally called me and we set a time for delivery. Well turns out Thomasville couldn't even get this right as they called me the day before the scheduled time to cancel the delivery because the truck was unable to go to my address on the day that was scheduled. This showed a lack of professionalism, failure to honor commitments, and poor controls.
4.) Poor Workmanship Part of my order was for a tall drawer chest. Within 1 month of delivery I discovered the wood backing of the dresser is falling off due to a poor stapling job. For the amount of money I spent on these I expected this furniture to last me a lifetime, not 1 month.
5.) Inconvenient payment methods Besides the down payment Thomasville won't accept credit cards to pay for your purchase. They only accept Certified checks, money orders, or cash. I may expect to have to use cash for a haircut but not for a major purchase.
Anyone of know a good quality furniture retailer? One that maybe knows how to build quality furniture and get it to you in reasonable time period without any unacceptable hassle? Thomasville failed to show these qualities and I will never go back there.

Tuesday October 5, 2010 @ 02:48 PM
Agree. Wanted something a little nice, so we bought a Thomasville Sofa. Color was awful, shoddy craftmanship, poor customer support, didnt come with the included pillows. 4 months now and the we still dont have the pillows. This company is awful.
Tuesday January 25, 2011 @ 04:25 PM
Ordered a 5-piece sectional couch in May of 2010. It arrived, but the leather wasn't as advertised. Replaced it with a different leather, but the recliner back pieces had leather that was too short to reach! Replacement back pieces ordered, and arrived today. Same dimensions as the originals. Rejected and I'm ready to picket the store.
Saturday July 9, 2011 @ 04:31 PM
We purchased over $30,000 worth of furniture from Thomasville Fort Lauderdale. They said that they will deliver it within 30days. Thank never happened. When we called they said that was an estimate and we will deliver it to you when we have it. We tried to cancell after a few 2 month of waiting but couldent because they made us sign an agreement stating that their time is an estimate. After 6 month of continuois calling, the furniture arrived. Several of the pieces where missing parts that they had to order, many had scratches on them. They refused to return them and sent a guy with a spray paint to do touch ups. I could not belive what was going on. This was one of our WORST experinces. you WILL BE SCREWED if you buy from this retailer
Friday August 12, 2011 @ 11:35 AM
These peiecs really set a standard in the industry.
Thursday August 18, 2011 @ 10:55 AM
Hey I bought bedroom furniture on-line from Flexa. They are out of Norway or something. The furniture was high-quality, somewhat expensive but not ridiculous. Anyway my daughter lost the hardware to it that turns her bed from normal height to low loft. I emailed Flexa and they sent me a new set of hardware pieces free of charge. I told them it was my fault and that I will pay for it, but they did not charge me. I am so impressed!
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Tuesday May 25, 2010 @ 09:47 PM
I purchased a desk, bookcase, file cabinet from the local store a couple years ago. Same problems, took a long time to come from CHINA. Today, file cabinet drawer broke. It is made from MDF, the cheapest material there is. Not solid wood, nor even plywood, Walmart sells better.