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   messageicon This halloween I decided to dress up as the Liberty Bell. If we end up at the same party, be sure to come over and check out my enormous crack.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 20:45 by johne Comments (0)  

   messageicon It is always seems to be "Enter some random family member" week or another. Who the hell makes up this schedule and where is it posted? I'm starting to think this crap is just made up.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 20:13 by bigedusw Comments (0)  

   messageicon I think my cat wanna play hide n seek, thing is I always win when I shake a bag of cat food
←Rate | 10-18-2010 19:24 by @jewelle3 Comments (0)  

   messageicon believes the rooster came first.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 17:54 Comments (0)  

   messageicon free: Pmsing wife comes with big bag of Skittles,
←Rate | 10-18-2010 17:18 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Walked into the bank today and asked the teller if she could check my balance… She leaned over and pushed me.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 16:26 by Michael Comments (0)  

   messageicon FACT : sharks will only attack you if you are wet
←Rate | 10-18-2010 16:17 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Well The Good News Is, I Came Out Of The Closet, The Bad News...I'm Gay.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 15:10 Comments (1)  

   messageicon Wanted: 1985 delorean with flux capasitor time travil package with 1 shot of plutonium. serious sellers only price not a issue!!
←Rate | 10-18-2010 15:05 by ebsupaman Comments (2)  

   messageicon Skipping the new Jackass movie - already saw Christine O'Donnell debate this week.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 14:40 by jdpower Comments (5)  

   messageicon People joke about Bieber Fever. Don't.. Sigourney Weaver Fever killed my grandfather.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 14:40 by jdpower Comments (0)  

   messageicon If you ever see me drinking a Bud Light Lime, I have been kidnapped and am trying to signal you.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 14:39 by jdpower Comments (0)  

   messageicon I wonder if those friends in low places have heard from Garth Brooks recently.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 14:39 by jdpower Comments (0)  

   messageicon That didn't take long: one of the Chilean miners is already cheating on Jennifer Aniston.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 14:38 by jdpower Comments (0)  

   messageicon what is the difference between a rooster and a $lut? one goes c0ck a doodle doo and the other one goes, "any c0ck'll do"
←Rate | 10-18-2010 14:18 by Tarwadi Comments (0)  

   messageicon feels like LIFESAVERS candy is overstating their importance.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 14:09 by MarkE Comments (0)  

   messageicon Marriage is an institution. You also have to be committed to it. If that doesn't sound like a nuthouse I don't know what does.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 14:03 Comments (0)  

   messageicon if you want to fight with you wife/husband, replace Oxygen with Helium and try to keep a straight face...
←Rate | 10-18-2010 13:41 by Alain Comments (0)  

   messageicon Still trying to figure out who defriended me...
←Rate | 10-18-2010 13:31 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon Monday?! But, I wasn't even finished with Saturday yet.
←Rate | 10-18-2010 13:30 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

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