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   messageicon The closest I come to cooking with gas is when I break wind while frying a steak
←Rate | 10-22-2010 15:21 by Banjaxed Comments (0)  

   messageicon - Wayne Rooney and Alex Ferguson have changed their relationship status to 'its complicated'... Manchester city 'like this'
←Rate | 10-22-2010 15:11 by trickz100 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Oooo God, Facebook was down for about 30 mins or so, I'm predicting a baby-boom in about 8 months... =)
←Rate | 10-22-2010 15:02 by Logan.T Comments (2)  

   messageicon loves Halloween, as people dont mind your garden looking scary
←Rate | 10-22-2010 14:51 Comments (0)  

   messageicon why is burqas classified as crime, when lady gaga can wear raw meat as an outfit in public?
←Rate | 10-22-2010 14:48 Comments (0)  

   messageicon which kind of vinegar must your bath towel smell like until you actually get a clean one?
←Rate | 10-22-2010 14:26 by levon Comments (0)  

   messageicon History lessons in our time whr easy, at least people fought for a purpose, feel sorry for next generation to keep up with the History
←Rate | 10-22-2010 14:25 Comments (0)  

   messageicon 's wondering where Chinese gets their English names from
←Rate | 10-22-2010 14:22 by popo Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sometimes I think that the only reason that the United States goes to War with countries is to help American kids learn Geography...before the War, how many of them could tell you where Afghanistan is?
←Rate | 10-22-2010 13:01 by Vitamin N Comments (1)  

   messageicon Hey ladies its Halloween. Feel free to show off your pumpkins!
←Rate | 10-22-2010 12:59 Comments (0)  

   messageicon When making your point, length times width times height speaks volumes.
←Rate | 10-22-2010 12:37 Comments (0)  

   messageicon As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point up
←Rate | 10-22-2010 11:43 by rll Comments (0)  

   messageicon Definition of a teenager? God's punishment...for enjoying sex.
←Rate | 10-22-2010 11:41 by rll Comments (0)  

   messageicon My next house will have no kitchen - just vending machines and a large trash can.
←Rate | 10-22-2010 11:38 by rll Comments (0)  

   messageicon Figures, the only time the world beat a path to my door and I am taking a crap in the bathroom..
←Rate | 10-22-2010 11:32 by rll Comments (0)  

   messageicon A husband is someone who, after taking out the trsh, gives an impression he just cleaned the entire house.
←Rate | 10-22-2010 11:29 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Literally just spent all night surrounded by the dumbest asses in captivity.....reason number 114 why people should beat their children. If you beat them while they're children, I wouldn't need to beat them as adults......they would learn to fear and resp
←Rate | 10-22-2010 11:11 Comments (0)  

   messageicon My wife asked me if she could get a boob job today. I told her to take some toilette paper, rub it in between her boobs once or twice a day for a couple months. She asked me why, I said, “It worked on your butt, didn't it?”
←Rate | 10-22-2010 10:28 by Michael Comments (1)  

   messageicon was initially SHOCKED to here the statistic that "they" say 40% of fathers still pay for their daughter's whole wedding..........but then after some pondering I realized it's probably a small price to get additional women out of the house.......
←Rate | 10-22-2010 10:00 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I've heard that the Eskimos have over 80 words to describe snow. Hell, they should get jobs in the Lipstick Color Naming Department at Revlon
←Rate | 10-22-2010 09:59 by @seddy90 Comments (0)  

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