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   messageicon i'm sorry I didn't hear you, I was stretching. I go deaf when I stretch
←Rate | 04-12-2011 10:43 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Our welcome mat is missing its L. I'd leave it that way but I'm afraid it'll look like we're bragging.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 09:55 by Gman Comments (0)  

   messageicon Why am I single? Oh, because I like to have guilt free casual sex with a variety of women.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 09:51 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I just found a bag filled with cigarette butts, a used pregnancy test, and a bunch of empty PBR cans. I'm calling it "Trailer Mix."
←Rate | 04-12-2011 09:49 by Gman Comments (0)  

   messageicon My Dentist says I need to be more aggressive when flossing, so I'm going to start barking.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 09:45 by Gman Comments (0)  

   messageicon Monogamy and mahogany are both rare types of long-lasting wood.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 09:43 by Gman Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hindsight is $20.20. Don't even ask what she charged to see her boobs.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 09:41 by Gman Comments (0)  

   messageicon Whoever invented morning sex forgot about morning breath.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 09:40 by Gman Comments (0)  

   messageicon I ran out of toilet paper, so I wiped my ass with a dryer sheet. Now my ass is soft, static free, and outdoor fresh.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 09:38 by Gman Comments (0)  

   messageicon Some days I feel like the Allstate mayhem guy is following me.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 09:16 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I live in South Africa & you do not find elephants on the street
←Rate | 04-12-2011 09:00 by Nomalungelo Comments (0)  

   messageicon You know you're in South Africa when people talk about robots when they really mean traffic lights.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 08:41 by Nomalungelo Comments (0)  

   messageicon People you may know = People I'm ignoring & already know
←Rate | 04-12-2011 08:34 by Nomalungelo Comments (0)  

   messageicon going to spend her cab money on more shots and just get an ambulance home
←Rate | 04-12-2011 08:32 by Nomalungelo Comments (0)  

   messageicon • Here's to our husbands and boyfriends: May they never meet!
←Rate | 04-12-2011 08:29 by Nomalungelo Comments (0)  

   messageicon Every time I found something to eat in the refrigerator, I feel like I found a treasure.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 08:27 by AJ Comments (0)  

   messageicon Facebook Gurls are sooo silly,U post the Sluttiest Photos of Ur self, & then you get Pissed when sum1 calls you Ugly,Cry when sum1 calls you fat,& offend By The Creepy guys friend request,grow up,& put sum cloths on
←Rate | 04-12-2011 08:24 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Killing two pigs with one bird!
←Rate | 04-12-2011 08:21 by Bassem Comments (0)  

   messageicon While surfing for spring and summer fashions on the web, I found myself on the Victoria Secret page when my 13 year old boy-child entered the room. He made the comment, “Isn't that a site for hot girls?” To which I responded, “Go to your room.”
←Rate | 04-12-2011 08:17 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Let's make the days count, not count the days.
←Rate | 04-12-2011 08:10 Comments (0)  

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