@HumbleFighter Funny Status Messages
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if Osama Bin Laden played Call of Duty, he would be the best camper.
Shaquille O' Neal in green? Anyone else thinking Shrek?
we call it MAY 5TH on this side of the border
I just want to thank all the great people in the USA for electing such a great man like Barack Obama. Ever since he got elected there's been so much change. Facebook's layout got changed like 2 times!! Thats impressive!
Just saw a commercial with Billy Mays. He must have the same agent as Tupac and Osama bin laden.
If someone makes a valid point, you don't just get to say 'hater' and walk away feeling like you've won. If you say: 'you're just a hater' they should take away your right to vote or own property.
out clubbing this weekend. I'm going to beat my record of 12 baby seals.
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