Funny Status Messages and Tweets

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   messageicon I need to stop talking to myself. I'm a bad influence.
←Rate | 04-22-2024 09:44 by GaryKoenig Comments (0)  

   messageicon Procrastination really is a good thing. You always have something to do tomorrow, plus you have nothing to do today.
←Rate | 04-21-2024 05:43 by GaryKoenig Comments (0)  

   messageicon Did our government only admit to UFO's because we're going to start sending their planets money for aid?
←Rate | 04-19-2024 10:44 by @ttmichael09 Comments (0)  

   messageicon If you see me talking to myself, don't judge us. We're trying to talk ourselves out of doing something stupid.
←Rate | 04-19-2024 05:54 by GaryKoenig Comments (0)  

   messageicon Did my taxes and discovered I still owe Ukraine $4000.
←Rate | 04-18-2024 12:54 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I am positive that there isn't life on any other planets ! If there was Trudeau would have sent them money
←Rate | 04-17-2024 18:15 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I always thought it was "Blew by you"
←Rate | 04-17-2024 16:35 by MWC Comments (0)  

   messageicon I ate a kid's meal at McDonald's today. His parents weren't too happy about it.
←Rate | 04-17-2024 08:31 by GaryKoenig Comments (0)  

   messageicon I’m getting stronger with age. I can now lift $100 worth of groceries with one hand.
←Rate | 04-15-2024 15:31 Comments (0)  

   messageicon If Joe Biden's economy is so good, why can't those student loans people pay back their own loans?
←Rate | 04-15-2024 13:19 Comments (0)  

   messageicon When you die people cry and beg for you to come back. But when you do, there's the running and the screaming.
←Rate | 04-15-2024 08:49 by GaryKoenig Comments (0)  

   messageicon I saw all your OJ jokes yesterday and they absolutely killed me
←Rate | 04-13-2024 08:21 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Police have confirmed that the man who fell from the roof of the 18th floor night club, was not a bouncer.
←Rate | 04-13-2024 04:52 by MWC Comments (0)  

   messageicon I had a babysitter and she didnt watch me and I stick a pencil up my nose
←Rate | 04-12-2024 12:09 Comments (0)  

   messageicon In an Ironically turn of events, Ford recalled 43,000 white Ford Broncos yesterday. OK I made up the white part.
←Rate | 04-12-2024 08:40 Comments (0)  

   messageicon When I'm behind a slow car I steer my car a little to the right so the people behind me can see it isn't my fault.
←Rate | 04-12-2024 05:59 by GaryKoenig Comments (0)  

   messageicon Instead of a coffin, OJ will be buried in a white Ford Bronco, wearing black leather gloves.
←Rate | 04-11-2024 12:54 by Gil Comments (0)  

   messageicon Wanna make a car dealer uncomfortable? Just say, "Tell me if you can hear this". Then get in the trunk and start screaming.
←Rate | 04-11-2024 06:00 by GaryKoenig Comments (0)  

   messageicon I was watching Family Feud. I can't believe they've found that many black families with a dad.
←Rate | 04-11-2024 04:44 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I was standing in the park wondering why frisbees got bigger as they get closer... THEN IT HIT ME.
←Rate | 04-10-2024 05:58 by GaryKoenig Comments (0)  

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