Flinnie Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon I really hope my death certificate doesn't read "Buried Alive".
←Rate | 10-13-2011 08:57 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon If you use the word "Humorous" when you could say "Funny," you're just outing yourself as a douchebag.
←Rate | 12-19-2011 13:51 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't consider my dog my child. My child would not be able to knock you down like Ray Lewis and crush your bones with her jaw at 9 months
←Rate | 05-11-2011 18:08 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon While you're out partying, I'm playing Connect Four with Thin Mints, by myself. Who's the loser now? Not me I've won 5 sleeves times in a row.
←Rate | 08-08-2015 06:13 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon Fact: Most American Caucasians will claim Cherokee heritage as well. Its just easier picking a group that isn't around anymore.
←Rate | 05-03-2012 18:26 by flinnie Comments (1)  

   messageicon Doctor says I have Gunter glieben glauchen globen syndrom. I break out in hives whenever I hear Def Leppard's "Rock of Ages".
←Rate | 06-02-2012 06:02 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon It doesn't matter how old or gangster you are- if a toddler hands you a toy phone, you answer that
←Rate | 05-09-2012 13:11 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon Fun thing to do #78 When you order a Coke and the waiter asks, "Is Pepsi okay?" shout "WHAT AM I, AN ANIMAL?"
←Rate | 03-07-2013 06:22 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon I remember a time when our country put aside its differences and came together as one. To show our contempt for Hollywood awards shows.
←Rate | 09-07-2011 17:02 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon If cats could drive they would all drive Volvos and not like you.
←Rate | 04-18-2012 09:00 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon "You should try these mushrooms. They're a type of flavorless fungus that have flecks of cow poop clinging to their surface!"
←Rate | 03-25-2014 05:49 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon Do people who work in those office supply stores steal stuff from their homes to use at work?
←Rate | 10-05-2013 07:32 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'll never be convinced there's not someone hiding under my bed just waiting for the chance to grab my ankle.
←Rate | 12-17-2011 05:07 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon Are we still saving whales? My basement is getting pretty full.
←Rate | 12-21-2011 09:42 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sitting on the plane. Stewardess said pilot passed out can somebody fly the plane? Took me almost 10 hours just to get it off the runway.
←Rate | 04-10-2013 06:33 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon If it wasn't for professional wrestling the companies that make metal trash cans would go out of business
←Rate | 06-01-2011 05:59 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon It's hard to get people's sympathy when your life is in shambles, mainly because the word shambles sounds so darn adorable. Shambles!
←Rate | 12-19-2011 14:18 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon "I felt as useful as a juice box without a straw" - Lyrics from my country music song about parenting
←Rate | 04-22-2012 06:12 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon The fact that I just swerved to avoid hitting a deer with my car tells me that it's finally time to make it illegal for deer to text.
←Rate | 02-20-2012 10:46 by flinnie Comments (0)  

   messageicon Adulthood is fun because by the time you're finally old enough to go out whenever you want you're too tired to do it.
←Rate | 03-08-2015 08:34 by flinnie Comments (0)  

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