@iTechnoBoy Funny Status Messages
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LADIES: If you don't know ur own worth and value...then do NOT expect someone else to calculate it for u.
And on Friday God created alcohol, and Adam was happy! It had been a long first week with Eve
Think befor you speak, Google befor you post !
Dude she has a boyfriend? -Yeah so? Soccer has a goalie ,doesn't mean you can't score ;}
Dear mom, You may have seen me naked when I was a baby, but that was 15 years ago. Sincerely, please learn to knock.
"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment. I told them they didnâ€
Dear God, Lets make a trade. Ryan Dunn for Justin Bieber? Love, Everyone.
having you ever eaten an apple with a worm in it? well buy an iphone and you will feel like that.
Relationships are like drugs. They either kill you or give you the best feeling of your life.
I almost had a 3som last night, I just needed 2 more people.
Buying a ugly fat chick a purity ring is like putting a fence around a dog with no legs
Don't tell me your sorry when your not, you only say sorry when you get caught.
"LOL" is the new way of saying "I really have nothing to say."
I learned 3 things from "Look At Me Now": Chris Brown is getting paper, Busta Rhymes has four tongues, and Lil Wayne doesn't eat sushi
Dear girls who apply for a job at hooters. Do they hand you a bra and say fill this out?
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