@OMG_Rel8able Funny Status Messages
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You almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important, that without them, you feel like nothing,
I hate when I read this post and and don't realize the word ''and'' was said twice.
You're leaning on your left elbow arent you!
In school, the only thing group projects ever taught me was that I hate other people.
Why aren't mustaches called mouth brows?
Life is to short to remove USB safely!!!!!!
Doing nothing all day feels great, realizing you did nothing all day, not so great.
1 universe, 8 planets, 204 countries, 804 islands, 7 seas, 7 billion people, and you're still single? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGAHA, me too.!!!!!!!!!
My belt is too tight on the last notch but to loose on the next one..FML
I don't have mistletoe this year, so we'll just have to kiss under the influence :P!!
I wanna write "I miss you" on a rock then throw it to your face, so you can feel how missing you hurts.
Yeah, I can see where decorating your office for Christmas takes priority over you actually doing the job you're getting paid for. While you're at it you might as well decorate the bathroom too, someone might actually give a sh*t in there
Studying for a class sucks, but, not nearly as hard as failing that class
There are just some people who shouldn't exist and if they are going to be allowed to exist then they should be Taxed extra for all the precious air they use!
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