MIKE m Funny Status Messages
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So if Jesus doesn't see his shadow when he comes out of his cave this Sunday, does that mean we get 2,000 more years of hell on earth?
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03-25-2013 21:44 by Mike M
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Honestly officer, it's not my fault... Jesus took the wheel...
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11-29-2011 14:03 by Mike M
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Cinco de Mayo is actually about a ship full of mayonnaise that sank off the coast of Mexico.
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05-05-2012 07:05 by Mike M
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Why does the news always tell you about the "fun" massage parlors AFTER they're being shut down for prostitution? Dangit!
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11-09-2010 09:37 by Mike M
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I say "Monday" like "Jerry Seinfeld says "Newman!"
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06-20-2011 10:05 by Mike M
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What I miss most about having kids in diapers is that there was always a constant supply of diaper rash cream for the mornings after I ate Mexican food.
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01-07-2011 19:57 by Mike M
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If normal is a relative term, then why aren't my relatives normal?
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12-29-2010 09:03 by Mike M
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This status update takes place between 9:00pm and 10:00pm. Statuses happen in real time.
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10-03-2010 11:50 by Mike M
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Farts are a poop's way of texting, "On my way."
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11-30-2013 09:36 by Mike M
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Do yourself a favor and stay off of a scale for at least a month! Trust me...
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12-29-2010 08:45 by Mike M
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at the circus watching a guy shoot out of a cannon. I thought, "Half of me wants to do that sometime.". Then I thought, "Half of me already did do that the day I was conceived!"
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08-04-2010 11:15 by Mike M
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I feel sorry for the adjective "flaccid" for it will forever be associated with that one thing...
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09-28-2011 08:29 by Mike M
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I just let a disturbance in the force.
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06-09-2011 02:02 by Mike M
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Some dare devils pull crazy stunts by flipping cars... I just did the ultimate stunt and flipped my mattress! I have a few cuts and brushes, but I'll be OK!
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10-03-2010 11:49 by Mike M
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I wish my laundry were more like me and do itself.
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09-29-2010 09:15 by Mike M
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I got some mail yesterday that says, "Tiime-Sensitive Material Enclosed." So I guess I gotta keep it away from clocks...
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09-27-2011 11:22 by Mike M
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Well'p just saw my fb friend count go down a notch... I wonder if it's something I might have said....
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09-27-2011 12:46 by Mike M
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Osama's diary found? "Dear Diary, Had an OK day hiding here in the compound. Watched some CNN. 2 of my 3 wives are on the rag, so that's a drag. Well, that's all for now. Bye, Osama "
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05-11-2011 23:03 by Mike M
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wants to wish everyone a happy Mother's Eve, not to be confused with Summer's Eve... a feminine hygiene product.
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05-08-2010 22:25 by Mike M
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Jack Bauer has 24 hrs. to stop the Christians from ending the world!
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05-20-2011 15:31 by Mike M
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