@truebeachbabe Funny Status Messages
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I don't understand the whole gay women play softball thing. Please explain to me because it's a bunch of girls who like to hold wood & catch balls in spandex on their free time...
already on the naughty list. Santa... I can explain.
climbing in your windows & snatching your people up. Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife.
I have to be successful because I have very expensive taste.
People are so concerned about having to wait to see if Trump will want a recount, but are completely forgetting Bernie's and Gore's recounts. Hillary even started the Obama "birther" movement to end his legitimacy. #hypocrites
Diet Dedication: When the chicken on your Subway salad kinda tastes like fish, but you eat it anyways because worse comes to worst, you'll just lose a few more pounds.
I'm almost perfect when I heavily edit my selfies.
Sometimes I prefer to use my face for emoticons.
My parents never let me play with anything magical or watch anything violent as a kid. I just had family-friendly games trying to figure out who murdered this guy in the library with a wrench.
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