abraham Lincoln Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Here I am!.......Now what are your other two wishes?!!!
←Rate | 06-25-2012 05:46 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Nothing says ''I'm a fat a$$ like wearing a T-shirt in the pool!
←Rate | 08-01-2012 01:37 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm not saying you're ugly! I'm just saying you're a 12 pack away from being why type!!!
←Rate | 07-23-2012 07:13 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon No matter how old you are an empty Christmas wrapping tube is still a Sword!
←Rate | 08-07-2012 08:53 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dont take me for granted, because I will leave your a$$ in at a moments notice!
←Rate | 07-26-2012 22:30 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon I am glad McDonalds doesn't sell hotdogs! I would hate to order a McWeiner!...And don't even get me started on Super Size!!!
←Rate | 07-25-2012 16:54 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sex is like Math, You subtract the clothes, Add a Bed, Divide the legs, and hope you don't Multiply!!!
←Rate | 07-25-2012 19:59 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon You know you're a Lo$er if your mom wants you to help set-up things for your twins Surprise Birthday Party!!!
←Rate | 07-23-2012 02:18 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon When the teacher says you'll be working with partners then adds ''But I'll be assigning them!''
←Rate | 08-01-2012 01:57 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon This has been the Hottet July in U.S. history! And not just because of ''Magic Mike'' and ''50 Shades of Grey'' temperatures have benn up also!!!
←Rate | 07-19-2012 07:28 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Why don't you slip into something nice like a ______________
←Rate | 07-16-2012 08:09 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon ''Magic Mike''.......if I hear this one more time I hitting someone with an ''Open Mike!!!''
←Rate | 06-29-2012 16:54 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon I know we are in a seious debate on your status! And I totally disagree with everything you've said. But I can't commnt yet, because I have no idea what I' talking/arguing about, and i'm waiting for Google to load!!!
←Rate | 07-19-2012 19:19 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Due to the Economy, remember that money I said never to worry about?!!!
←Rate | 07-21-2012 18:24 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Marys dragging me to some play tonight #bored #killme
←Rate | 01-29-2015 08:30 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon My parents accused me of being a liar today! All I said was ''Santa Claus'' ''Easter Bunny'' '' Tooth Fairy'' and walked away. Shut them Up!!!
←Rate | 07-07-2012 11:57 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Funny how when I see someone from High School I suddenly hve a great job and am trying to stick a key in a car I in the parking lot that I could never afford!
←Rate | 04-02-2013 21:42 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  


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