abraham Lincoln Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon For the first time ever Women's IQ test scores are higher than Men's!......But to keep it fair they didn't include the ''Blondes'' scores!!!
←Rate | 07-19-2012 08:08 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon I will not chase you after anyone anymore!.......If you walk out of my life, I'll hold the F-N door open for you!!!
←Rate | 06-25-2012 20:16 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon hahahahahahahahaha=very funy hahahahaha=funny haha=not that funny
←Rate | 08-01-2012 01:39 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon When you break something at the store and nervously walk away!
←Rate | 08-01-2012 01:37 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Remember when you were younger that old guy at the pool that swam laps and yelled at all the kids to get off the ropes!!!
←Rate | 08-04-2012 01:01 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon If Monday hd a face......I would knock the $h!t out of it!!!
←Rate | 06-25-2012 21:44 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Michael Vick announced that he is probably going to get another Dog soon! Dogs now are like ''Meow!''
←Rate | 07-21-2012 06:58 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon It takes 42 muscles for you to frown! But only four for me to extend my middle finger to you! Fck off!!!
←Rate | 06-25-2012 01:45 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon I would be the worst 911 Operator! ''Excuse me ma'am, I think you mean 'The Robber is over there!' Not over their or over they're!!''
←Rate | 07-26-2012 14:47 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon There needs to be a phone-line to Heaven.....for the one's we miss!!!
←Rate | 07-07-2012 10:31 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon The villian in the new batman movie is named ''Bain''........I know that Obama has something to do with this!!!
←Rate | 07-17-2012 12:20 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon You know your ''OLD'' when your age is higher than the whole Womens Olympic Gymnastic Team!!!
←Rate | 07-31-2012 02:39 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Life is like a roll of toilet paper....The closer it gets to the end the faster it spins!!!
←Rate | 07-31-2012 13:10 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Saying ''Oh Yeah, I remember!'' when you have no idea what their talking about!
←Rate | 08-03-2012 00:56 by Abraham lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Women are just like Hurricanes, because when they come they're wet & wild! And when they leave they're taking the house and car!!!
←Rate | 07-26-2012 14:49 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon I hate when I accidently run my hand over a piece of gum stuck under a desk!
←Rate | 08-02-2012 18:00 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon II wish the XXX Olympics gave medals for the ''Clean and Jerk''
←Rate | 07-31-2012 13:09 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm sex..unattractive and I know it!
←Rate | 08-01-2012 01:37 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon I walked into the Dentist's office and he asked me what the problem was and I said ''Doc, I think I'm a Giant Moth!'' He said ''You need a Psychiatrist not a Dentist, why did you come in here?'' I told him ''The light was on!!!''
←Rate | 08-07-2012 08:57 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

   messageicon Went for a jog tonight and saw a payphone and I was like ''WTF is that!!!''
←Rate | 08-03-2012 00:56 by Abraham Lincoln Comments (0)  

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