Rashad Hammoud Funny Status Messages
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The BIG difference between men and women is that women will complain if they switched genders while men will appreciate the opportunity!
I've been told I have a face for Photoshop.
I wonder if all hot girls go through life believing that everyone is being genuinely nice to them all the time.
Got this great new calorie counting app. Each day I go for a new high score.
Woke up with a smile after noticing I have as many NBA rings as LeBron.
My girlfriend says that I spend too much time talking to random people online. What do you guys think?
If a genie were to give me 3 wishes... goodbye Kardashians!
Some relationships are like Tom & Jerry. They tease and irritate each other, knock each other down, but can't live without each other.
Hurricanes are like women: when they come, they're wet and wild, but when they leave they take your house and car.
If you watch Godzilla vs. King Kong backwards it's about two monsters who forget their differences and build a city
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