QueenBee404 Funny Status Messages
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giggles everytime I see a "no shoes, no shirt, no service" sign. I am guessing that they don't care if you come in bare a$$ed?
worried that my latest Salvation Army donatin will have tons of women homeless women looking like sluts from the 90's...
's 3 year old daughter has shown herself to be a real woman. She has no interest in baseball and had no interest in Daddie until baseball came on.
America is only the land of the free for people who have lots of money.
Old Macdonald had an agricultural real-estate tax abatement...
working on my taxes and has come to the conclusion that taxation WITH respresentation is not that great either...
an alcoholic is someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do.
just saved a lot of money on my car insurance by fleeing the scene of the accident.
wondering why if vegetarian food is so great, everything they make is "turkey flavored" this or "chicken flavored" that.
saw a car today that had a sticker that said "Americans never forget". Then I remembered that Hiliary Clinton is Secretary of State so obviously we do...
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