Prince Shawn Funny Status Messages
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After spending the night with a stripper named KARMA last night, the phrase "Karma is coming for you" took on a whole new meaning!
doesn't wear a yellow hat when he goes to the zoo because he doesn't want any of the monkeys following him home.
Garbage men are the least respected civil servants. They work just as hard as firemen and cops, but no one ever calls them heroes. Probably because they smell like used tampons and old Chinese food.
used to go to random weddings back in the day just to put a picture of his junk on every disposable camera.
feels sorry every summer for anyone named Eve.
loves dating defense attorneys because they are incredibly good at getting guys off.
Bert and Ernie are a perfect closeted TV couple. You are not sure they are gay, but you can't prove they aren't.
your outfit makes you look like a stripper. A high end stripper for governors and athletes, but a stripper nonetheless.
has pants that say Snickers on them because they are packed with nuts and they always satisfy.
has found that the best thing about dating a homeless woman is that when the night's over, you can drop her off anywhere.
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