@mntnbikerbw Funny Status Messages
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Once a pun a time, I used to be terrific at wordplay.
Breaking News: Tigers around the world have united to argue the point that Charlie Sheen must be on illegal drugs. They claim that they have tiger's blood flowing in their veins and they don't act that crazy.
it's Monday everyone, hope you've had your Tiger's Blood!
Oh, I'm sorry....I didn't realize you were giving me a dirty look, I thought you were that ugly all of the time.
WARNING!! As of today - Facebook will automatically start dragging Earth into the Sun. To change this option, go to Settings > Planetary Settings > Trajectory then UNCLICK the box that says ' Apocalypse.' Facebook kept this one quite.
listening to Carole King tell him that she feels the Earth move under her feet and that it has something to do with when I'm around......does that mean she thinks I'm fat?
Dear FB users, quit using lower case i's and quit putting them right in front (with no space) of the next consonant....it's not cute anymore.
you wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch.
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