@daddybullfrog1 Funny Status Messages
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In retaliation for the genocide of their people the Indians today magnificently beat the Cowboys in a game of football! All is even!
I will no longer need your services REAL LIFE...I Now have MineCraft!
Most important thing I learned today: My Talk to kids/Nice voice sounds INCREDIBLY HOMOSEXUAL
If there's one thing Ripley taught me it was never trust a Droid - Team Apple
The wife and I to spice things up have been getting into S&M. But it can be dangerous so you have to have a safety word. Mine is "bor....ing"
Why does the Pope mobile have bulletproof glass? If the Pope is afraid to die, what chance does anyone else have!
The Nut I busted yesterday was so good it's still on my mind today at work. I'm totally having Pistachios again tonight
I just found out there is an "acceptable" amount of radioactive iodine in water.
Thx Burger King breakfast for letting me experience Prison Food!
If I wanted to listen to someone bi!ch, complain and act like there better than everyone else I'd listen to RAP music
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