Marshall The Great Funny Status Messages
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I'll drink to that!! - Me, after anyone says anything.
Good thing I got this degree, just in case this unemployment thing doesn't work out.
I always mean it as a compliment but I've found that some parents get a little pissed off when you describe their children as "do-able."
You put the ID in stupid.
Boyfriend not calling you back? Send a text you're about to cut off all your hair. Ahhhh there he is!
If at any point in the conversation you say the word "insane," I will instantly add "in the membrane."
Nothing says to a robber, "I have brand new never before opened electronics piled up in my living room." Like a Christmas tree.
Please tell me again how "Ninja training" is not an acceptable excuse to miss work for the rest of the week??? This is bullsh!t!!!
I actually hate grocery clerks who ask "paper or plastic." It's like they know I f*ck ugly women.
The thing that sucks about hanging out with my friends is that they see how much I stare at my phone and know how little I answer their texts.
What's the best way to casually ask your neighbor for his wifi password?
I hate when I walk through a metal detector and my abs of steel set them off.
I'm collecting every toy that the neighbors kid throws in my yard, I already have tons of Christmas presents for my nieces and nephews this year!
You're the joke, I merely provide the punch line..
Water does not collect on TOP of a hill, take the damn bucket up there yourself! Stupid Blonde!!! ~ what Jack should have said to Jill
i like my women like I like my stamps, lick them and send them on their way.
I just don't get it. One minute their telling you that they don't appreciate being treated like a piece of meat and the next their covering themselves with oil and baking themselves in a tanning bed....... Women.
Likes are like crabs. Regardless of what you say - if you're trashy enough, you'll get them often.
Why do they even make car alarms anymore? When's the last time you heard one and didn't just walk away muttering about what a douche they are?
Max Factor - A mathematical equation based on the density of the makeup applied to a woman's face to determine if she is really beautiful.
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