Funny Status Messages and Tweets

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   messageicon Donald J. Trump. The "J" stands for genius.
←Rate | 01-09-2018 18:18 by Mr.Conservative Comments (6)  

   messageicon You millenials have it so good --- we could only like 6 songs max and had to carve their names in a rock
←Rate | 01-09-2018 18:02 Comments (0)  

   messageicon How do dragons blow out candles on their birthday cake?
←Rate | 01-09-2018 17:58 by markf Comments (0)  

   messageicon I bought a screwdriver bit for my electric drill. It's useful for converting ordinary phillips screws into non removable screws.
←Rate | 01-09-2018 17:33 Comments (0)  

   messageicon If given a choice between getting a tattoo or throwing my money on the ground, whoever is behind me is going to be very happy!
←Rate | 01-09-2018 13:36 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Be nice to overweight people. They have a lot on their plate.
←Rate | 01-09-2018 11:21 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I got so drunk I blacked out for two hours, I couldn't snap out of it...Then I realized Iā€™d just put my hoodie on backwards.
←Rate | 01-09-2018 01:54 Comments (0)  

   messageicon 30 years later and my Cabbage Patch Kid still has no clue that he's adopted.
←Rate | 01-08-2018 17:44 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Inside my house I have a smaller house that keeps food cold and an even smaller house that heats food up...
←Rate | 01-08-2018 12:35 Comments (0)  

   messageicon It's so cold out... the guy at Super America has a towel on his head.
←Rate | 01-08-2018 11:45 by MDS Comments (0)  

   messageicon Instead of going to Starbucks, I like to make my own coffee, yell my name out incorrectly, and then light a $5 bill on fire.
←Rate | 01-08-2018 11:43 by MDS Comments (0)  

   messageicon According to Webster's dictionary, "Patriotism" is defined as loving a country. "Gay" is defined as one man loving another world leader who happens to be a man.
←Rate | 01-08-2018 11:31 Comments (1)  

   messageicon I've gotten to the age where if I see a coin lying on the ground I figure anything less that a quarter isn't worth the aches and pains of leaning over to pick it up.
←Rate | 01-08-2018 09:34 Comments (0)  

   messageicon When I was young I took drugs to blow my mind. Now I take drugs not to lose it.
←Rate | 01-08-2018 09:33 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Honesty is the best policy, but insanity makes for a better legal defense.
←Rate | 01-08-2018 09:33 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I'll keep you posted.
←Rate | 01-08-2018 09:32 Comments (0)  

   messageicon If the movies have taught me anything it's that sooner or later that car chase is gonna crash through a fruit stand.
←Rate | 01-08-2018 09:32 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don't know about you, but I've thought about running away more as an adult than I ever did as a child.
←Rate | 01-08-2018 09:31 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Costco: Where you can go broke saving money...
←Rate | 01-08-2018 09:20 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Fire fighters confirmed that the fire did not start in Trumps library šŸ“š
←Rate | 01-08-2018 08:13 Comments (0)  

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