Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Hey baby, whats your sign? Girl blushes and says: stop! Me: Oh, I thought it was slippery when wet.
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09-15-2011 18:48
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Obama has given a whole new meaning to the phrase: "Once you go black, you won't go back"
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09-15-2011 18:33
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every 5 seconds somewhere on Earth a woman gives birth to a baby. We must find her and stop her.
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09-15-2011 18:14
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why have a guy with a six pack, when the guy with a keg brings the most fun?

your always smiling while you play on the rain and frowning when you play in the sun.
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09-15-2011 17:15
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I used to hate going to family weddings. All my aunts uncles used to poke me and say, "You're next!" They stopped doing it when I'd say the same thing to them at funerals
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09-15-2011 16:57 by Mick F
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if a person starts a sentence with, "Not to sound like an a**hole..." Guess what they're gonna sound like....?
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09-15-2011 16:55 by Danmanz
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If they EVER put a DUI checkpoint at a Taco Bell drive-thru, it's safe to say we're all screwed.
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09-15-2011 16:51
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Curmudgeon, Wednesday September 14, 2011 @ 10:41 AM Because Katrina is funny, 6 years later... jackass
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09-15-2011 16:09
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I can tolerate having a "kick me" note put on my back, but a "wash me" note really cuts to the core.
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09-15-2011 15:37 by Aaron
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Yesterday was hump day and I totally forgot to hump someone. If you let me hump you today I may give you some money. Don't worry, it's not prostitution unless I finish
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09-15-2011 15:20
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we can't run from who we are...our destiny chooses us!

What you don't know won't hurt you, what you know will often hurt you, what you suspect will hurt you more and when what you suspect becomes what you know, it kills you without a doubt.
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09-15-2011 14:41
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I force my dog to watch animal abuse commercials just to show him how good he has it.
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09-15-2011 14:01 by SEAN
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I cant believe I saw a woman wearing slippers in church today! I almost dropped my beer.
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09-15-2011 14:00 by SEAN
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Life is like a vacuum cleaner, as soon as you make a firm step, it starts to suck.
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09-15-2011 13:54 by @aqabawe
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motto of the day is: Sin, Repent, Repeat.
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09-15-2011 13:12 by roned
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Words will only hurt when you believe them.
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09-15-2011 12:59
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I take a viagr@ tablet every night before I go to sleep... stops me from rolling out of bed!
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09-15-2011 12:58 by @clarkysj
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Some people just need a hug... around their neck... with a rope.
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09-15-2011 12:53
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