Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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"Luke, I am your Father...and your Uncle"- Redneck Darth Vader
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09-25-2011 03:17 by JBabcock
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Putting on & taking off skinny jeans should be an Olympic sport.
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09-25-2011 01:25
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It's one hell of a crime if you're ugly with a bad attitude at the same time.
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09-25-2011 01:23
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MEN: Stop lying about what you do.. WOMEN: Stop lying about what you don't.
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09-25-2011 01:20
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I always pretend to see the babies in the Ultra-sound.
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09-25-2011 01:19
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You girls that say diamonds are your best friend, obviously never had a good D!ck
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09-25-2011 01:15
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I will never understand why people go out..Get drunk.. And by the end of the night end up putting their faces where people go to the bathroom....It boggles my mind!
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09-25-2011 00:51
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I won't ever drink nasty Pumkin Ale again. The taste makes me think of The Great Pumpkin standing at a urinal.
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09-24-2011 23:08 by JBabcock
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Today in the car my nephews taught me that SlugBug and Perdidle weren't the only car ride punch games. There's also CruiserBruiser, RamBam, MustangBang, and ChevyShoves. So I made up the HumrBumr and the Haiyundai Chop. Uncles can do that you know.
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09-24-2011 20:52 by JBabcock
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Catholic." ... ... ... He says, "Yes, I'm single & Catholic!" The nun kisses the driver then asks why he is crying. I lied. I must confess I'm married & I'm Jewish." The nun says, "That's OK, my name is Kevin & I'm going to a Halloween party!"
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09-24-2011 20:04 by me
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How many alcoholics does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to hold the bulb, and one to drink until the room starts spinning.
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09-24-2011 19:36 by MTQ
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"Hi Welcome to Starbucks!" "Yeaaah, I'll have a Café- Mocha Vodka-Marjiuana Latte to go please." Um Sir we don't have that" Oh I'm sorry I meant a Pumkin Spice Latte"
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09-24-2011 19:34
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You've been rejected more times than the Chinese guy that stands in the mall food court trying to hand out samples of bourbon chicken.
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09-24-2011 15:55 by Beth
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69 - Some may call it nasty but I call it a romantic dinner for 2.
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09-24-2011 15:51
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What's the difference between men and pigs? Pigs don't turn into men when they drink.

They say that the odds of the satellite hitting a human is HIGHER than winning the lottery... So what are the odds of winning the lotto, then walking outside and being hit by the satellite?
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09-24-2011 13:27 by Malichai
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IF MYSPACE and FACEBOOK have taught me anything... It's that when I become rich and famous, dont let ANYONE touch whatever it was that brought me to that point.
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09-24-2011 13:22 by Malichai
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if you want to post akward moment jokes and not have it redirect spell "akward wrong"
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09-24-2011 12:59 by Tonez
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the akward moment when you are at a funeral and your phone rings.. you ring tone is "I will survive".
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09-24-2011 12:55 by Tonez
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am I the only one when my mom enters the room while I am on the computer, switch to goole and just stare at it?
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09-24-2011 12:53 by Tonez
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