Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔ Too sexy that if you go out with just one person, everybody will get jealous & depressed therefore killing themselves.
What so sad is when you're trying to get over someone you never even dated.
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11-10-2011 19:37 by BEGO
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8 year old kids today have Facebook, twitter, phones, iPod. When I was there age, I had a coloring book, crayons, chalk, and imagination.
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11-10-2011 19:36 by BEGO
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Sometimes, talking to a woman requires a translator.
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11-10-2011 19:34 by BEGO
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I can think of 14 tweets about cat buttholes but I don't want you to think I'm insane or anything.
In my family, we always celebrate 11/11/11 on the evening of 11/10/11. Like they did in the Bible.
Facebook, I would be more interested in your recommendations about who I should unfriend.
Hussein☑ Bin Laden ☑ Ghadafi ☑ Jerry Sandusky ☐.....I'm sending "SEAL Team 6" over to Sandusky's at Penn State to take care of this matter!
I've finally figured out why they're called 'payslips'.... the 'pay' just 'slips' right through your fingers!!! :(
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11-10-2011 18:17 by me
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I guess taking pics of your food has finally replaced taking your pic in the bathroom mirror? Great, now I get to see that you can't cook OR clean...
I'm still wondering why people were so uptight about that meteor that nearly hit earth a few days ago....It seems to me we are perfectly capable of destroying ourselves without any assistance from an asteroid!
It's a recipe for disaster when your country has an obesity epidemic and a skinny jean fad.
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11-10-2011 16:44 by g0re
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I don't understand why people are so amazed when I say that my grandfather survived Auschwitz. I mean, most German officers did.
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11-10-2011 16:43 by g0re
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Girls: Theres always going to be that girl you think is much prettier, funnier, sweeter and just generally more perfect but have you ever realized that you're probably that girl to someone else?
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11-10-2011 16:36 by g0re
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Q: Why are condoms transparent? A: So that sperms can at least enjoy the scene even if their entry is Restricted!
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11-10-2011 15:58
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Penn State located in Happy Valley and they play football in Beaver Stadium....I so did not see this SEX Scandal coming.
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11-10-2011 15:48 by clevezip
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Don't you just want to write on some people's Facebook wall "you peaked in High School".?
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11-10-2011 15:32
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just put your "Big Girl Panties" on and deal with it!!
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11-10-2011 15:24
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I love my wife, and God bless her for packing my lunch. But when you whip out a fruit roll up on a construction site, you get looks!
Tomorrow is 11/11/11 and after that we won't have another palindromic date for 11 whole days.