Uncle Bubba Funny Status Messages
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What is worse than lobsters on your tennis court? Crabs on your balls!
Hey Peyton eat a Snickers! Why? Because you play like Tony Romo when you are hungry.
A man is a man all of his life, but a woman's just horny until she's your wife.
Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj jump off the Empire State Building. Who hits first?......Who cares?
What does a NY Giants fan do after his team wins? Turns off the xbox and goes to bed.
You can't spell furloughed without f-u
Shark Week is so much better that Shart Week!
Try saying "Whale oil beef hooked" without sounding like a drunken Irishman
Hugo Chavez and that kid Manny on Modern Family look just alike.
That halftime show was the best....said no one ever!
Tony Romo tried to throw a Superbowl party but it was intercepted
Do you the only thing worse than a Patriot fan?.........Two Patriot fans!
Did you know that if you spell "Go hang a salami" backwards it comes out as "I'm a lasagna hog" ?!?!?
What does an Eagles fan do after his team wins the Super Bowl?....He turns off Madden and goes to bed
A kid came to my door dressed as Tony Romo. I asked him why he had no candy in his bag. He said he used to but he turned it over.
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