Surge Yarmolyuk Funny Status Messages
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Just found out "suns" upside down is still "suns"
The Weird moment when somebody is cross-eyed and you dont know which eye to look at.
MySpace and Facebook got a divorce... Looks like Facebook got custody of all the kids.
I wish we could google how a certain person feels about us.
▶Music♩♪♫♬ Volume: ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ █ 100 %
The best medicine in the world is a mother's hug
"I wasn't drunk!!" "Dude, you were in my pool trying to find Nemo" ·
Don't wast your time being the one who is always there desperately waiting and being just an option.
The fact is, whatever you do, good or bad, people will always have something negative to say.
Pretty words aren't always true & true words aren't always pretty.
This girl in the street yelled to me "OMG!! Your so hot! I want you!!" Its true. You can ask Brad Pitt he was right behind me.
What goes around comes around. That's what people say. So all the pain you caused me will come back to you someday.
Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.
If you can't get them off your mind...then maybe they're supposed to be there.
People who say "If I disappeared, no one would notice" are wrong. Anyone who actually saw you vanish would be pretty freaked out.
try to say the letter `M` without your lips touching.
there's always that one person who takes a few minutes to get the joke...
"Silence is the best answer for all questions" "Smiling is the best reaction in all situations".
People shouldn't be judged by who they date, what skin color they are, and etc..If they are happy together, then let them live their lives..
Take the chance, live out your dreams, make life better than it seems.
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