MIKE m Funny Status Messages
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My girlfriend said, "I don't know if six inches is gonna be enough for me." Thank God we were at Subway when she said it!
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08-25-2011 15:31 by Mike M
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Facebook is starting to remind me of my ex-wife... throwing things I said years ago back in my face.
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08-21-2011 09:24 by MIKE m
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A snail goes into a car dealership and says, "I wanna buy a little car. And I want you to paint a big "S" on the side of it." Salesman says, "OK, but why?" Snail says, "So when I pass by people will say LOOK AT THAT LITTLE S-CAR GO!"
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08-16-2011 11:42 by Mike M
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I'm not into any sports. But I'll watch women's beach volleyball if it's on
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08-15-2011 03:25 by Mike M
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My mom knew I was a wild child the day I was born when I used my umbilical cord to bungie jump!
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08-01-2011 09:07 by Mike M
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If I don't have time to make coffee, I pull out a nose hair instead.
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07-22-2011 19:22 by Mike M
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I say "Monday" like "Jerry Seinfeld says "Newman!"
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06-20-2011 10:05 by Mike M
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You know methane gas is odorless right? That's why I add the odor to mine so you guys know if I have a leak!
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06-09-2011 02:37 by Mike M
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I just let a disturbance in the force.
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06-09-2011 02:02 by Mike M
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I always feel a little guilty when I swallow my multi-vitamin with beer.
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06-01-2011 02:16 by Mike M
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Jack Bauer has 24 hrs. to stop the Christians from ending the world!
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05-20-2011 15:31 by Mike M
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Osama's diary found? "Dear Diary, Had an OK day hiding here in the compound. Watched some CNN. 2 of my 3 wives are on the rag, so that's a drag. Well, that's all for now. Bye, Osama "
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05-11-2011 23:03 by Mike M
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Guys don't post stuff like ☆ BEAUTIFUL☆ FATHER☆ AWARD ☆ on eachouther's walls with the whole ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ crap after it. We show each other love by posting, "Dude, you're an A$$!"
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05-11-2011 20:34 by Mike M
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Guys don't post stuff like ☆ BEAUTIFUL☆ FATHER☆ AWARD ☆ on eachouther's walls with the whole ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ crap after it. We show each other love by posting, "Dude, you're an ass!"
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05-11-2011 20:28 by Mike M
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They want us to think they're backpack leaf blowers but they're actually jetpacks... and THAT'S how they're getting across the boarder!
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05-10-2011 07:30 by Mike M
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CNN just posed the question: "Who should get the Bin Laden bounty?" I don't want the dude's paper towels!
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05-09-2011 11:16 by Mike M
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Remember that whole "Look both ways before crossing the street" thing? Well that also applies to picking your nose at a stop light. I just got totally busted when I looked at the guy on my right, pointing at me and laughing...
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05-09-2011 10:07 by Mike M
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Rough draft for fb: If men were as flexible as dogs, wives would make their husbands wear cones or they'd never go to work.
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04-21-2011 15:53 by Mike M
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I'm thinking of converting my car to steam power. I think if I actually burned the $1 bills I'd get more bang for my buck.
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04-14-2011 15:36 by Mike M
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Hello Mr. Monster Truck tailgating me with your superbright halogen headlights... I can make my break lights brighter... wanna see?
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03-15-2011 09:56 by Mike M
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