Abraham Lincoln Funny Status Messages
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I hate when I accidently run my hand over a piece of gum stuck under a desk!
I wonder how long it takes a girrafe to vomit!
Dogs don't care if Bacon is crispy or not!
When the teacher says you'll be working with partners then adds ''But I'll be assigning them!''
16 and a Olympian > 16 and Pregnent
3AM text message ''Hey are you asleep?''....''No I'm scuba diving!''
Dude, I gave you a pen not a chew toy!
$19.99 because $20 is an outrageous amount of money!
Dude, she has a Boyfriend! So, soccer has a goalie doesn't mean you can't still score!
If my Boobs sag any more people are going to think they are nuts!
Daughter''Dad I am a lesbian!'' Sister ''Me too dad!'' Dad ''Doesn't anyone like guys around here?'' Son ''I do!''
hahahahahahahahaha=very funy hahahahaha=funny haha=not that funny
1 tequila, 2 tequila,s 3 tequiklas, 4 teuiqlas, 5 teiuqlsd, 6 teiqulkss, 7 eteiqlas, 8 treqiklasl, 9 travquikas, 10 trewquwtss
I hope Adele and Eminem never date, can you imagine what their breakup albums would be like!
Listen I'm not an alcoholic, they go to meetings...I'm a drunk we go to parties!
Nothing says ''I'm a fat a$$ like wearing a T-shirt in the pool!
When you break something at the store and nervously walk away!
I decorated my bedroom to look like a classroom so I can fall asleep faster!
I'm sex..unattractive and I know it!
It's not flirting it's being extra nice to someone extra attractive!
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