Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Are we sure Queen Elizabeth's death was "natural causes" and not Reggie Jackson finishing what he started?

Couldn't you have told me that my password was incorrect BEFORE you made me select all the pictures that have motorcycles?
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09-10-2022 11:20
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Without Trump in the White House, I don't think I'll have the will to live.
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09-10-2022 02:39
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CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC. Not a fan of any news outlets. That's why I get all my information from one channel, The Cartoon Network
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09-09-2022 06:24
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Just once I want a doctor to ask if I’ve been eating enough potatoes
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09-09-2022 06:24
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accidentally took one of my wife's One-A-Day Vitamins for Women this morning. I've been trying to get dressed for 4 hours but everything makes me look fat. And I think I forgot to unplug the curling iron.
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09-09-2022 06:22
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Still trying to figure out what I did wrong to get targeted ads for pants with underwear sewn in.
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09-09-2022 06:21
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Once again I will Watching football this season the same way Colin Kaepernick does... sitting on my couch
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09-09-2022 06:21
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For $250 an hour I will pose as a marriage counselor and tell your partner they are wrong about everythng.
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09-09-2022 06:21
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I react to seeing a pizza the way most women react when they see a baby. It makes me want another one of my own.
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09-09-2022 06:20
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Everything I know about the Kardashians I learned against my will.
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09-07-2022 15:50
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At my funeral, I want a group of Italian guys to walk up to my casket and say "We're gonna miss ya boss" so my family thinks I had something going on.
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09-07-2022 15:43
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I love Trump so much, I'm willing to make up anything in order to make Joe Biden look bad. Come back Trump, I can't live without you!!!
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09-07-2022 11:00
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The "Inflation Reduction Act" is about to turn the Recession into a Depression, but at least the Prozac will be cheaper.
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09-07-2022 09:29 by TimS
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I'm going to take my paycheck to the bank. It's too small to go there by itself.
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09-06-2022 17:32
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I'm so happy college football is back. Where else can one enjoy such blatant one sidedness and win money on the outcome?

Dating is like trying on shoes. You think you found a good fit, but it begins to hurt after a little while.
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09-03-2022 10:03 by Mickey
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My belly is like jelly. I cut one and it's smelly.
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09-02-2022 21:39
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What has red hair, big shoes and lives in a test tube? Bozo the Clone.
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09-02-2022 09:24
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Corn. The food that both enters and exits intact.
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09-01-2022 14:24
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